Bad App


It’s not a strong enough word to describe my reaction the the ABC Animals app from the Apple App Store.
I looked for an alphabet app for #1 to play with as he is starting to learn to read. ABC Animals looked good and I was quite impressed with it.
You go through the alphabet and touch the screen and get a picture of an animal, that animal’s sound and the animal is aurally named.
There’s a crocodile for C:


An elephant for E:


A tiger for T:


But hold on just a MF minute. WTF is this?.
There’s a UNICORN for the letter U:


This is just utter ARSE. I am ashamed I ever even downloaded this app. It’s not like there’s a shortage of animals beginning with U.

  • Uakari
  • Umbrella bird
  • Urchin
  • Urutu
  • The app managed just fine to find the X-Ray Fish for the letter X so why are they messing around with a mythical animal for U?
    The app has been deleted.


    Is this a reflection of Star Wars fans since the Disney buy out? Personally I don’t care. Star Wars has been bad since Episode 1.

    Read into this whatever you want. But then, that’s the point isn’t it?


    I’m not sure how the Met Office app gets its summaries for each day but the following doesn’t seem to make sense to me unless it just “averages” the day’s weather.

    Today’s summary:


    Today’s actual forecast. See the difference?
