Blade Runner – Vangelis

Every now and then you need a bit of chill-out music. Where would someone like me turn for that?


Most of my classical and easy listening knowledge comes from music in films. Blade Runner is an excellent film made atmospheric by the music contained within.

This is that music. Simple.

Blackout – Scorpions

In the late 80s those cheeky Scorpions had a massive hit with “Winds Of Change” from the Crazy World album. I bought that album – no bad songs there just classic straight talking rock.

After a while I bought this on music cassette. The cover has a man screaming with his eyes being impaled with eating forks. Just sayin’!

Look, this was released in 1982 and I listen to it still. The songs are really good and catchy. It’s not ground breaking rock, in fact it’s rather derivative, but it is a very well constructed album and brilliant. How many great German bands are there? [quite a few in these pages].

There isn’t a bad song. My personal favourites are:

  • Blackout
  • Can’t Live Without You
  • Now!
  • Arizona
  • China White

There you have it. I’m a fan of the Scorpions. Not enough to have a tattoo but a fan.

The Blackening – Machine Head

Years ago I bought the Burning Red album by Machine Head and was impressed with the dark sound. I remember I was living in Brentwood at the time so this was 1999 or so. About a year ago I decided to buy another Machine Head album. I got this one. It’s alright. It sounds the same as the first one I got and is good for a run or winter music.