Contraband – Velvet Revolver

So they had a big hit with the main song from the album although I’m not sure which one that was now. I even listened to this in the car about 3 days ago in preparation for writing this but nothing really sticks in my mind.

It’s well written, played and produced but it lacks a certain something! Maybe the hate and angst of teenage song writing?

Computer World – Kraftwerk

Got this album off John S. Wanted to know some Kraftwerk and I’m pretty sure that when getting to know a new artist it’s best to go early in their career. I’ve listened to this once, in the car, when the family were there so I wasn’t allowed the music loud.
The comment from the other in the car was:

This sounds a lot like all the other stuff you listen to

Quite simply – it doesn’t! It’s early electro-pop music which is really well written. More listening required!