Enter The Grave – Evile

If you want thrash metal. This album is for you. It’s fast, angry, heavy and can’t be taken too seriously. If you like Slayer, you’ll love this.

Song titles are:

  • First Blood
  • Bathe In Blood
  • We Who Are About To Die

It’s lovely comic stuff. Or possibly slightly scary if you can’t cope with thrash.

Eliminator – ZZ Top

What is there about ZZ Top that isn’t to like? Their sound is a unique blend of well-polished down and dirty guitar rock.  This album was a commercial success and had many singles that zoomed to the top of the charts. If you understand the American music taste then you’ll see why these songs worked so well.

All the songs on this album and toe-tapping head-banging great. Probably the sort of stuff you could play while your mum visits and she’d say she likes it. On my version I think “Legs” is the weakest song, but it was the biggest hit, maybe because of the video. I also think that “I need you tonight” is a lovely love song, it should be on every “intro to metal” mix tape, as it once was on a tape I made.

Alongside the comments I wrote about Boston, this is a great driving album.