I am going to be hypocritical here. I am going to lecture about not being nasty and trying to keep the discussion calm and then I am going to rage about things on my most public of forums.
The big message and thing I try to remember is that when tackling the issues that I disagree with or know are wrong then it’s very hard not to be a dick. It’s too easy to get angry and want to shout at people. I have written about this before, I follow some people on Twitter and various other internets because I want to know the sort of things they are saying. I want to try to listen to their points of view and to see where they come from.
Don’t Be A Dick started with Phil Plait giving a talk at TAM:
Phil Plait – Don’t Be A Dick from JREF on Vimeo.
I often have to remind myself of this. My instant response when reading tweets like these below is to scream FUCK OFF at these arseholes. I don’t think I am made for being nice when such hatred and misinformation is spread.
Ken Ham is currently building an ark in Kentucky.
Secularists reject they have a religion as they call their beliefs about the origin of life ‘science’–but they have beliefs–a religion
— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) May 18, 2016
Answers in Genesis use confirmation bias to “prove” the bible.
Your personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ is essential for building a godly legacy in your children. https://t.co/Ar9ki3ZEko
— Answers in Genesis (@AiG) May 22, 2016
Matthew Lawrence is religious and believes hell is expanding.
Global warming? Y’all know that hell is expanding and will consume the Earth, right? https://t.co/VoyO8Y7Oj9 #climatechange #globalwarming
— Matthew Lawrence (@matty_lawrence) May 21, 2016
The pope continues to seem reasonable until you realise that he won’t endorse contraception, gays or hand over kid-fucking priests to the police and justice system.
The gift of the Holy Spirit has been bestowed in abundance so that we may live lives of genuine faith and active charity.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) May 16, 2016
“Pastor” Alex Rivas should be all about love and forgiveness, unless you are gay or LGBT.
Homosexuality is not a disease but a sin, so that does not require medication but repentance. #LGTBphobia
— Pastor Alex Rivas (@AlexRivasPastor) May 17, 2016
Lifeforce claim to cure many things using a method that doesn’t work.
A new homeopathic medicine Hepatitis C tested with positive result by Dr Rajesh Shah, Dr Anisur Khuda-Bukhsh & team pic.twitter.com/pe8zodQCi0
— Lifeforce (@LifeForceHomeo) May 19, 2016
Dana Ullman talks bollocks.
Homeopathy effective for kid’s upper respiratory tract infection: https://t.co/gwhZybRxII
— Dana Ullman, MPH CCH (@HomeopathicDana) May 19, 2016