My Dear Watson

After a particularly hard day cooking a very slow roast pork shoulder and then being requested to just cook normal stuff the next day my oven stopped working. I did wonder why it was taking ages to heat up and it slowly dawned on my that something was wrong. I did some googling and it seemed the best thing to do [given all other parts of cooker worked including the oven fan] was to remove the heating element then checking the continuity of it.

Burnt out
Burnt out

I didn’t really need to check it, but I did just to make sure. It was fucked. I ordered another from PartMaster and it arrived a day later.

There are two types of element fittings apparently. The simplest can be removed and fitted just from the front of the oven/cooker and therefore can be changed with the whole unit in place. The other type requires the entire cooked to be removed, a back panel taken off and screws the found. Guess which mine was? The bloody second!


This is the back of the cooker. What a pain to get this thing out and the new one fitted. Once it was in place and the gubbins all put back the oven was tested and it worked! I’m pretty happy. Once oven fixed for around GBP55 and one day’s wait. I felt quite smug and pleased after this.


A NFL backup quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, has been shat on by the country of the USA because he failed to stand up while the national anthem was played before a game. He was protesting something, here’s a link. It would appear that you can say things but refuse to stand for a song and everyone hates you.

I don’t stand for the national anthem. I’ve been to sports events, NFL, at Wembley Stadium and I have remained seated during the national anthems. This is mostly a recent decision and by recent I mean over the last ten years. We stand to show respect I think. But I don’t know what I am respecting. I certainly don’t love this country, I don’t know what I would be loving. I don’t see why standing is a protocol.

On certain events at work we will sing the national anthem. I don’t. We also have a song associated with work. That I do sing. I can see that community in a more tangible sense, I know what it stands for, I know the history. I feel it’s a community I am a part of and can be involved in. I don’t really see that with the country.

I don’t see why I should have to stand. I don’t do it as a protest, I do it because I don’t understand patriotism and I don’t understand the values of a country.