Arc Light

00:26:04 – Arc Light. – What’s up?

00:26:07 – B-52 strike. – Yeah?

00:26:10 – What’s that? – Arc Light.

00:26:11 I hate that. Every time I hear that, something terrible happens.

00:26:15 Charlie don’t never see them or hear them, man.

One day, a momentous day for colour, I happened to think the place of work was particularly lovely. Fortunately I have a camera in my pocket and so recorded it for posterity.

Orange Grammar
Orange Grammar

My phone didn’t really capture the colour well as it auto-corrects the white balance and can’t cope. So, the above image, which I don’t process apart from cropping, is not really what it looked like. With that we could get into a lovely discussion about how we experience things and human memory but it’s probably best not to. Just to act as a contrast to the relaxed lovely image above, here’s what my work normally looks like:

What Work Looks Like
What Work Looks Like

This is the dullest part of my work. The best bit is seeing learning and understanding along with challenging views of people and trying to create a more progressive society that is accepting of all.