M’era Luna 2024

The middle of August means it’s time to travel to Germany and attend one of the friendliest music festivals I know [I haven’t been to many but this one does feel like home]. On a Wednesday I travelled to see Smith in London town and we had dinner. I stayed over at his house as we had an early start to catch a flight to Hannover.

This year the flight was on time and we landed in Hannover and had plenty of time to get to our room. In fact, at one point we just sat by the river and let the world pass us by. In the evening we walked to the Maschseefest after a walk to get alcohol. We were both pretty tired having got up at 0400.

The Maschseefest, Hannover
The Maschseefest, Hannover

Friday starts with a walk to the Bahnhof and then a train to Hildesheim. Once there we get the bus to M’era Luna. The whole experience is relatively painless. We find the tent and then chill because it’s been a long journey and not much happens on the Friday until the evening. I had some LED lights to light up the tent so we could find it once it was dark.

After I watch a band I note down a few comments on my phone. What you see below are those comments. On the Saturday the music we watched goes as follows:

re.mind – Main Stage – standard electronic. Singer wasn’t powerful but only ok. OK for a first band.

Steril – Club stage – upbeat electronic with some guitars. Much better than the first band.

Schwarzer Engel – Main Stage – Seen before. Metal.

Hell Boulevard – Main Stage – OK. Heavy rock. Keyboards in the background. Nothing special.

Centhron – Club Stage – Heavy as fuck bass and other motherfucking shit.

SPOCK – Club Stage – Excellent cheeky space based pop.


Hamatom – Main Stage – Late on – technical issues. Good set. Lots of audience participation. Heavy metal. I enjoyed it.

Suicide Commando – Club Stage – Excellent set. Best band so far. Really enjoyed it.

Suicide Commando
Suicide Commando

The Sunday bands were as follows:

JanRevolution – Main stage – Better than yesterday’s first band. More upbeat. Enjoyable. I wouldn’t buy it.

Extize – Club Stage – Heavy dark dance. Actually good. I would buy.

Eden Weint Im Grab – Club Stage – Slow rock with violin and viola. OK.

Future Lied To Us – Club Stage – Really good electronic bouncy dance. Singer had energy but I didn’t like his voice. Really enjoyed the overall set though.

X-RX – Club Stage – Great energy. Very bass. Enjoyed it a lot.

Welle: Erdball – Club Stage – I was just getting into position for Combichrist. I didn’t like it. It was actually boring.

Combichrist – Club Stage – Elliott motherfucking Berlin! Amazing. The fucking best. An old school set.

Combichrist - Old School Set
Combichrist – Old School Set

Die Krupps – Club Stage – good. But not as good a previous times but enjoyable nonetheless.

Monday was all about getting home and leaving ML early to make the flight. We managed with plenty of time and it was interesting to see just how many people on the flight had come from the festival. Obviously I didn’t talk to any of them.
