South Of Heaven – Slayer

It has taken a while to get around to writing this particular album review. Mostly because I wanted to make sure I give an honest view and make sure I listen to the album before I write this. Some albums I know instantly what to write. Sometimes I need to listen to them. This one deserved time. My last album review was published on 25 December last year so it’s been a while.

This is the album that got me into Slayer.

There isn’t a bad song on here.

This is an amazing album and along with Seasons In The Abyss I consider them masterpieces.

Every song on this album is great. They all have moments of glory and should be listened to the world over.

Pretty much all the albums reviews have been written leading to this point where I quote the lyrics from a verse of South Of Heaven:

“Bastard sons beget your cunting daughters,
Promiscuous mothers with your incestuous fathers.
Engreat souls condemned for all eternity,
Sustained by immoral observance a domineering deity.”

Look at it. Amazing. Who writes this stuff for songs?

I don’t think I can write a review of each song because they will all use the same words. A wordsmith I am not. You should have realised that by now. Shout outs belong to South Of Heaven, Mandatory Suicide, Behind The Crooked Cross for the chugging intro – I love it.