Blackout – Scorpions

In the late 80s those cheeky Scorpions had a massive hit with “Winds Of Change” from the Crazy World album. I bought that album – no bad songs there just classic straight talking rock.

After a while I bought this on music cassette. The cover has a man screaming with his eyes being impaled with eating forks. Just sayin’!

Look, this was released in 1982 and I listen to it still. The songs are really good and catchy. It’s not ground breaking rock, in fact it’s rather derivative, but it is a very well constructed album and brilliant. How many great German bands are there? [quite a few in these pages].

There isn’t a bad song. My personal favourites are:

  • Blackout
  • Can’t Live Without You
  • Now!
  • Arizona
  • China White

There you have it. I’m a fan of the Scorpions. Not enough to have a tattoo but a fan.