December 6 2013

Only one week after the release of the Playstation 4 Sony released the latest in the Gran Turismo franchise for the PS3. I understand their decision and applaud it.

I am most looking forward to the GPS tracker uploading app when it arrives so I can drive some routes around my village and then create tracks within the game. It’s just a shame that a Passat Estate isn’t in the car list. I might also upload a route to work and see how quickly I “could” drive that.

How to be happy
How to be happy

What you don’t want to see when you want to play a game. A 1GB update and rural broadband speeds!


A welcome return to the GT series: Apricot Hill circuit. I always really enjoyed this one.

Apricot Hill
Apricot Hill

And here’s the track:

Apricot Hill
Apricot Hill

And my first win:
