Steps Challenge

My niece and I are currently in a week long “steps” battle. We both own Garmin fitness trackers and are in a challenge via the Garmin app. Whoever does most steps this week wins. I did well with a run yesterday but was worried today would let me down so I went for a walk to the local monetary. It’s a Carmelite monk place called Aylesford Priory or The Friars. It’s quite picturesque and even has its own relic of a saint.

Aylesford Priory Altar
Aylesford Priory Altar

It’s a pretty place within a lovely setting just next to the river Medway.

River Medway
River Medway

There are some nice gardens, although not a lot about at this time of year.

Aylesford Priory - A View
Aylesford Priory – A View

The weather was perfect for an atmospheric horror movie, but I didn’t see anything untoward.