Took my sister to see God Module at Electrowerkz near The Angel in London. There were three bands playing and they were all actually pretty good unlike last time. Unusually the room on the ground floor was used as the venue, I’ve been in here before but have only experienced the first floor performance room for gigs. The sound was good and the room was just the right size. There were the usual freaks and geeks floating around all evening.
First band on were Die Kur. They had a very heavy metal sound with some synth stuff. Most enjoyable. My one concern was that the songs seemed a little too start-stop and a little short. Other than that they were very enjoyable.

Second band on the bill were DKAG. It was three blokes with Apple Macs on stage “playing” stuff. It was interesting as my sister spent a while asking “what is going on”, she’s quite a metal/rock fan really. After a while she was dancing and enjoyed it. It turns out I had seen this band before, I though I recognised them and actually searched on this site to see if I had seen them. It turned out I saw them with Combichrist a few years ago.

Finally God Module came on. I’d spent about a month listening to their stuff a lot and although I like it and it’s my sort of stuff a lot of the songs seemed similar. The sound and structure of the music was pretty much the same for every song. Also, the singer had a distortion effect on his voice.
One of the things about the ground floor room is that there isn’t a backstage. The bands had to walk through the audience to get to the stage which leant a kind of common touch to the evening. All the band members were milling around in the bar area after the gig, they were very approachable. Not that I did. I like to think I don’t fawn and hero worship, but I think I probably do to a certain extent.

God Module did what they do very well. The singer is possibly the largest man I have ever seen in a band and he didn’t really move around that much [too much inertia]. But they played a few songs I kinda recognised and the crowd loved them. It was ok for me.
Electrowerkz has gone somewhat upmarket as the gent’s loos had this in them by the sink:

I’m looking forward to my next gig, which I hope to get out to soon. I must get looking for stuff to see and listen to. My sister liked the evening but preferred the metal sound of the first band. Maybe she’ll convert in time!