Metric Units Used Herein

A friend mentioned recently that he was thinking of buying a Nissan Leaf 2.0 and it got me to thinking what the running costs are. For this communication I’m not worried about purchase or servicing costs so this comparison isn’t a very good one but it is somewhere to start!

My car, Bora Horza Gobuchul, is a petrol/electric hybrid. Just your standard hybrid NOT a plug in hybrid. So it’s battery is charge either through regenerative braking or excess energy being produced by the engine, when at a standstill for example. My average fuel consumption rate is 55 mpg. Current petrol costs are about £1.20 per litre. This means my current driving costs are:

£6.20 per 100km

This is a variable though. The price of petrol is subject to many factors and changes constantly. The mileage achieved driving Bora Horza Gobuchul depends on how well it is driven!

The Nissan Leaf 2.0 is currently the latest ALL Electric vehicle developed by Nissan. It is a plug in car and so runs using electricity only. The manufacturer claims a range of 168 miles and a battery capacity of 40kWh. My current electricity tariff charges me 15.3 pence per kWh and the driving costs for the Leaf are:

£2.26 per 100km

The Tesla Model S claims a range of 220 miles with a battery capacity of 60kWh. This produces a driving cost of:

£2.59 per 100km

This comparison is VERY basic. It covers just the cost of charging the vehicle. I have not taken ANYTHING else into consideration but I am quite surprised at how much cheaper the electric cars are in terms of cost per 100km for driving. This alone would tempt me greatly if I had a garage where I could park my car. However, somewhere, a space, to park my car every day next to my house is my current dream. That is what happens when you live in a crowded Victorian street.

Just another minor comparison: energy consumed per 100km:

50kWh – Bora Horza Gobuchul
14.8kWh – Nissan Leaf
17.0kHw – Telsa Model S

This just shows the inefficiency of petrol based engines for transport. So, my current plan is: get house with garage, buy Tesla, save the planet.

House Fairy

I stayed at a friend’s house last night. He’s a good friend so I shan’t name him. If you know me well, you’ll know who I’m talking about.
I get to sleep on the divan in the office. I don’t have a problem with that per se. My problem is with the state of wiring in his office. This picture shows the state of wires and plugs in one corner under the desk!


This particular set up is somewhat distressing. Not really because of the fire risk but more because it needs a good tidy up. The total current drain is quite small and so the fire risk is pretty minimal. But, look at the state of it! Quite distressing!
I might start a service called “House Fairies”. Give me your address and at sometime while you are out I’ll come and magically wire up your appliances nice and neatly with proper colours and clips, making it look lovely and you’ll know where things are. Another part of this service would be to adjust any light switches which work the wrong way around. The house where this photo was taken also has light switch where you have to press the top bit to turn the light on. This is wrong. I can adjust that.

The light switch when the light is off (flash photo):


The light switch when the light is on:


I should have a website where you sign up and list the “House Fairy” jobs you want done. I will then come around at some random time and, Hey Presto! You’ll come home one day and everything in your house will work properly!