A Most Diverse Month

February was a great month mostly for the excellent trip I had to Los Angeles. I went there to see friends and watch the Super Bowl [in a bar – I can’t afford the ticket price]. It turns out that because I opened Google Maps that company now know where I’ve been. I don’t think that bothers me particularly. It’s nice to have an email from them telling me what I already knew!

Google knows where I've been
Google knows where I’ve been

Given there hasn’t really been any travel for around two years it was so nice to get to be somewhere. Apart from a trip to Lincolnshire last summer and the odd car journey to Essex to see family I hadn’t really been anywhere!

This is communication number 2017 and so here are some things that happened in that year as curated by me:

  • The US drops the MOAB on ISIL compound.
  • An ISIL terrorist kills 22 at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.
  • 8 people are murdered on London bridge.
  • A new species of orangutan is discovered.
  • Cassini-Huygens plunges into Saturn’s atmosphere after 13 years of service.