Quadrophenia – The Who

This is one of those albums that everyone goes on about. They also go on about the film. The problem is that I never really got the mods and rockers thing. It was slightly before my time and it all seemed rather silly to me. I can take or leave The Who. I’m just not fussed by them.

There are a couple of good songs on here. But other than that most concept albums always leave me a little cold.

My Generation – The Very Best Of The Who – The Who

I don’t remember buying this album and I suspect it was another failed attempt to get into The Who. I can tell you that I don’t think I’ve ever listened to it, or if I did it was decades ago. I wouldn’t even be able to tell you what tracks are on here, although I could guess.

I’ve just looked at the track listing and I can honestly say I recognise about half the song titles. I guess I’m still not a Who fan.