Off Grid

Hello my followers and stalkers. I am going off grid for a few days. It is a tradition since I have started recording the NFL Superbowl and then watching it over the next few nights. I expect to finish the Superbowl within two evenings, but, it could take longer. It depends on too many factors.
From tonight, when I go to bed, I will not be checking Twitter, BBC News, an other news outlet and only marking all emails as read. Don’t contact me I won’t answer!

Go 49ers.

Simulview and Dual Play

Simulview is Sony’s buzzword for displaying two player images on a 3D television so that each player sees only their screen. Essentially the shutters on the active glasses activate at the same time rather than alternately and so P1 sees only his/her image and P2 sees their image only. This is quite cool and displays (I assume) a 1080p picture to each player.
Downside: This only works on the Playstation Monitor.

DualPlay is the technology that LG have introduced to try and allow two players to see their own picture full screen. It has taken me four days to figure out how to get this to work (which is slightly embarrassing). DualPlay uses passive glasses with P1 having a left/left combination and P2 having a right/right combination. The standard two player screen (up/down or left/right split) is then stretched over the whole screen. This will work with most games with that picture split.
Downside: Aspect ratio issues.

 I haven’t yet tried this on my TV but will soon. I am quite excited about it but also worried about the aspect ratio change. Nice of LG to think of gamers though.

New Aquisitions

So, it’s been a busy time. I have bought a new TV to replace my 40″ Sony that I bought in the summer of 2006. I don’t know if six years is a good length of time for a TV. I guess so. The problem is that I am an early adopter of technology [see this post here – currently in draft form].

The old TV was HD Ready which, it turns out, is only 720 lines of beautiful picture. It looked deep and gorgeous in HD. But it was time to upgrade. There were just too many TV advances for me to ignore anymore.

I now have an LG 3D TV. I went for 3D because Gran Turismo will output 3D and I like playing that. Do I think that 3D is a good cinema format? No. But for Gran Turismo . . .

Current TV Room Set Up:

 Home Cinema

Current Equipment:

  • Television – LG 47LM670T
  • AV Amplifier – Sony STR-DN1030
  • BluRay player – Sony BDP-S790
  • Satelite Decoder – Amstrad Sky HD
  • Console – Sony PS3 320Gb
  • Front left and right and passive sub-woofer – Bose Acoustimass Cube
  • Active sub-woofer – Sony
  • Centre, SL, SR, SBR, SBL speakers –  Sony

When I get the chance I also use a Logitech Driving Force Pro steering wheel.


Recent tweets have carried some information about me in terms of percentages.
The first percentage I wrote in an email and it was 50% when I was trying to be realistic.
Then I tweeted some values, 5% and 1%. I’m pretty sure that the percentage is now in exponential decay. The more time the lower the percentage.


Soon to be looking at a 3D TV. Will post about whether I think it’s any good.


This is an extremely beautiful picture taken a short while ago from the International Space Station. I will include some links and acknowledgements soon.

I found this because I follow Phil Plait on Google+ and in my RSS feeds. A link to his post here. Find the actual copy in here somewhere.



I haven’t been running for about 10 days and I really am feeling as though I need to expend some energy! I think I injured my knee during a 5 mile road run that I did on the 28th December.

Create Maps or search from 80 million at MapMyRun


I’m pretty sure that I injured my knee on this route. There was no cross country. Now, my knee only hurts when I kneel on it. I can walk and run fine. I went to see the Doc last night and he said that I should keep running. There are two things that might happen. The injury might improve and so that means I don’t have to worry or the injury will get worse which would mean I can actually find out what it is. I’m hoping to run tonight.

Do I pay for some extra space on one of my clouds? I currently use Microsoft SkyDrive for keeping my computers syncronised. I have just had to change from having Skydrive Mesh installed (which I really rather liked) to having to install Skydrive (which I’ll get used to). I have had to change my working practises slightly to accomodate this change as Microsoft are turning off the Mesh service.

I can pay GBP30 a year for an extra 100GB of storage on my cloud which would essentially mean I can back everything I do at work and home up. I also own a NAS drive currently set up at 1TB. I also back things up onto that. How many back-ups should I have?

I am concerned about an EMP.  Not sure why but it does bother me!

William Shatner (for it is he) recently tweeted and I’m going to quote him here as I really liked it:

Now repeat after me: Jedis and Yoda: Science Fantasy
Starfleet and Tricorders: Science Fiction

The guy is great. Although he tweets a lot and fills up my “friends only” tweet space. I have two accounts. See this communication.

These are my latest considerations.

Latest iPhone Backgrounds

These are my latest iPhone backgrounds. Many thanks to @Cmdr_Hadfield and his tweeting of pictures from the ISS!

Current lock screen:
Sunrise through the atmosphere.


Current home screen:
The ISS solar panels.


The Price Of Love?

For Christmas I had promised WW a new overnight bag. A nice leather one. I did put a price limit on it though as I thought some bags got to silly prices. WW seemed happy enough with the price limit and we thought that she would be able to find something suitable.

There we were in House of Fraser in Bluewater and looking at the bags when we found one that was the perfect size, colour, material and type. In fact it was perfect. It was so perfect that when I looked at the price tag I thought about selling my car and trading it in for the bag, however in reality I laughed out loud and bitterly moaned that it probably only costs about GBP30 to make. I think the brand of the bag was Chloe, which means nothing to me. A price tag of GBP1195 was a touch steep though.

So WW is still looking for a bag!
