In a follow up to this communication I’ve spent some time getting to know the Nurburgring and I’m getting there. These two videos show the same lap just from different perspectives. There’s the TV view and then the front spoiler view. The front spoiler view is the main one that I race with.
I suspect that you are going to get bored of these over the next while as continue to mess around with the livery editor in Gran Turismo. These next few shots are another F5 livery I created. It’s a Japanese car this time, my next one might end up being a Ford F150!
F5 Number 5Nice Ass
This livery is called Sylvana for obvious reasons. Perhaps you want to ponder the union flag being so prominent when I care not for nationality?
Finally, here’s a photo, just because it looks beautiful.
When I’ve finished racing in Gran Turismo and don’t have time for more detailed races I sneak over the the livery editor and create car liveries. This feature is surprisingly more fun than I had expected.
Gran Turismo has a feature where graphic files can be uploaded and then added to the cars you design. However, this has meant I have had to learn how to edit SVG files and mess around with a graphics editor. For whatever reason the file size for upload is limited to 14kB. This isn’t a great deal and means you have to be quite creative within the editor software. The SVG format is perfectly sensible but Microsoft don’t really deal with them, however, there is a free editor available, I use Inkscape.
This car livery is my own design, even the polygon arctic camouflage pattern. I think it looks good:
Arctic RAF
This is partly based on an RAF Jaguar scheme, I might try and look up some more planes and get a decent version of each. I know the car is German, but it still looks good.
I took a trip last night to see Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle last night. I had flip-flopped about going for a good hour or so earlier in the day but decided to get out and stop playing Gran Turismo. I pay money to get to the cinema and so I should go, even if there aren’t really any films I’m that bothered about, December was a bleak month for films on my list.
I don’t recall what the tide was like but I have sought out that information online and let me tell you, the sine curve is lovely.
Rochester Tide
I know this doesn’t show the actual day I went to the cinema but just work backwards. I think it only changes by about an hour per day.
HW Times
So, on to the film. As is custom within these pages I rated the film on IMDB. See this communication for an explanation of the rating system.
So, I really enjoyed this film. It was enjoyable, funny and well written. It was a little one-dimensional and obvious, but really it’s a kids film so I can let that pass. I do like the fact that the kids in the original film had the surname “Parrish”. They even get a shout-out in this film.
There were a few times when I thought the action was a little over-the-top, but then I realised this is based on a computer game and those things are what you would do in a game. I mean, flying a helicopter forwards at 90 degrees of roll!