Feel Good

Number 1670 is up and a recent thing in the current time period is to explain what was going on in England at that time. Charles II was still the monarch and signed the secret Treaty Of Dover, Spain recognises that some islands conquered now “belong” to England. Some man, a politician no less, got maimed for making a joke about the king. Also, it was bad news to be the wrong religion, something I am sure you will appreciate the world has matured about since then [ha ha].

There’s a problem within our society where we yearn for “good news” and so accept anything as good news if it seems at first glance to be a good thing. In reality the “good news” hides the horrors of our current society. The news story shouldn’t be about the good thing the real news story is why does that situation exist in the first place?

I got thinking about this when I saw a number of headlines about a deputy headteacher of a primary school who is making and distributing packed lunches to vulnerable pupils during this crisis. Here’s a hyperlink. I haven’t read the whole story because it hides the real terror. Why, in this rich country, are there children who are unable to be fed in either their family or where ever they are living? Why does this happen in this country? What changes should be made so that this isn’t a thing?

This does not mean I am criticising the Deputy Head of the school. I have nothing but admiration for him. But the fact that this is a news article covers up why that situation exists in the first place. We are made to feel good for a situation which is utterly avoidable and shouldn’t happen in any country. Keep an eye out for these and think about the news you read, what is the real story?

Star Washing

This communication is number 1669. In keeping with recent references to plague hit London in the 1600s I, again, give a brief rundown of things that happened in this year. Pepys stopped writing because his eyesight was failing much like Donald Pleasance in The Great Escape, Newton is appointed as a professor and Robert Boyle discovers phosphorus. Along with all that there was plenty of life and death as all those who played insignificant roles in society aren’t recorded.

In another day of discussing society with poorly constructed arguments and leaps of consciousness I will explain the brainwashing of our society to maintain the current social and political structure. I was out on a run yesterday, it’s where I do plenty of thinking while also listening to podcasts. Being in the open and feeling good, or at least healthy, or at least as though I am doing something healthy is really good for clearing the mind. I was thinking about how too many films and stories all cover this idea that we are born to a particular level in our society. These stories we hear and films we watch reinforce this subconscious acceptance of “our place in society”.

From Where Do We Get Authority?

At a basic level we all need to be told what to do and the best systems work when you respect that person telling you what to do. You want to know that the “manager” has the experience and understanding along with the intellectual capability to think deeply about how things work. You want the “manager” to be fair and allow you some freedom. You want someone who knows the job and has been appointed to that position because they have some capability or understanding or talent beyond what you have. If the “manager” is respected by the workers then they will do their jobs for that manager and the “manager” will look good because they have a good set of outcomes from their workers. Authority comes from the respect that the workers give the manager through the manager’s skills and experience. Have you ever worked for someone you don’t respect? You might do as you are told but it will be a miserable experience.

So, we want authority to come from someone/thing who understands better than the workers and someone/thing who is able to be supportive and responsive and understanding. If you have those qualities then maybe you should be a “manager”.

The Worst Case

In the worst possible case scenario you claim authority through some vague system which you also happen to run. You might be a good “manager” you might also be a shit “manager”. At the very worst level you claim authority through the idea that you have that job and are therefore better than everyone else. You convinced those who appointed you that you are fantastic where, in reality, you suck and are shit at managing. Your life will then become a series of constructions to create the results that mean you look great but you are also destroying everything in the process.

If you want ultimate authority over many people then you claim it was given to you by god. That way, if you run the religion, you also run the entire system of authority. In the UK pretty much everything is owned by the monarch [legally] because god says so. The ultimate authority is deferred to god via the queen because you can’t get a higher authority than the imaginary god. God is the ultimate scapegoat and giver of power. Look at the pope. Put there by a human voting system but is god’s representative on earth because “god”. It’s brilliant. It’s also terrible. If you have to claim authority by referring to some divine right or prophecy then you suck and should try fucking off. Which god? Whose god? Not mine. I don’t recognise your authority. Oh, by the way, I write this just after Cardinal Pell’s conviction was quashed by the Australian Supreme Court through “lack of evidence”. Fuck the pope and the catholic church – evil cabal of child rapists.

Top Down

If you want to claim authority over people you either do it through talent and skills or you claim intangible things which apparently give you provenance. So, you can claim that god speaks to you and only you and everyone needs to do as they are told. You can claim the authority through birthright [whatever the fuck that is in reality] or you can just shout louder than everyone else. We have this sense in our society that if you are born from the correct vagina and parentage that you are therefore more qualified than someone else to take the power. This is rather strange. It doesn’t follow. There have been so many family dynasties it would be impossible to list them here. But let’s look at one in particular.

The queen is the top person in our country. Why? Because she was born to it. She’s lived her life in “service” to the country and commonwealth. Why? Because she was born to the right father and mother [even that’s not needed as illegitimate people have power too if they grow up in the right environment]. But she’s been brilliant? Has she? How do we know that? How do we rate that? Isn’t against her human rights to be placed in this position before she entered this world screaming? The queen’s authority lies in her birth and the fact this in this constitutional theocratic monarchy god happens to have said so. She’s the leader of the state religion. What?

Most stories you heard as a child reinforce this idea of family being your station in society. You are successful and deserve respect if you come from the correct family. You are in servitude to those people if you are born elsewhere. Firstly, there’s god and his zombie son Jesus. The provenance comes from the seed of the father. The right to lead and to have the power comes from who your father is. The queen is who she is because of her father. We have hereditary Lords in this country for fuck’s sake. They are called Lord. The title passes on through birth. We fascinate over who our ancestors were. We have TV programmes about who you think you are where you can claim legitimacy from the history of your family. People seek out that link between them and long dead people of power because our society is so bought into this idea that who fucked who years ago is really important.

There are stories about adopted children really being from a dead family of aristocrats. There are stories of knights marrying princesses. There are stories of kings and queens and those with power having gained that through being accidentally born to the correct family. Why do you think the bible spends ages proving the ancestry of Jesus? He’s descended from David. Who was descended from . . . . I don’t actually know or give a shit, probably Abraham? Legitimacy comes from your parents, wrongfully. All of our culture is given over to being submissive to the wrong people based on DNA.


This was my original thought while having a run yesterday. I pondered the film series Star Wars. Now, I used to be a big Star Wars fan but managed to let go a few years after being upset at the prequel trilogy. But let’s look at the important parts:

  • Darth Vader – evil doer until a last minute recant – virgin birth. That’s the great thing about christianity, you can be as evil as you want as long as you seek forgiveness just before you die and accept jesus as the saviour. Having him divinely concepted was a stroke of genius
  • Royal Family – Leia was a princess born to a queen. Legitimacy from her mother.
  • Inherited – Luke gets his powers from his father. Has the right to be a leader through his birthright. Gets discovered and his “true” destiny is revealed. By the way, FUCK DESTINY.
  • Kylo Ren – gets his powers from his mother. He’s a royal. It’s his birthright.
  • Afterlife – if you are good enough you get to live forever as a ghost?
  • Rey – powers from her father/grandfather I can’t remember. Taken away from her family and finds the truth of her “birthright”.

Power is inherited through the family system. You can look at too many films and see this story played out again and again. All of this reinforces how society thinks. It shapes how we behave. How many films have you seen where the son or daughter claims their “birthright” and becomes the leader or manager? How often is this scenario played out in kids’ stories? How often do you reinforce this? Why? Try and think a little more about the things you see and read. Question how much of it is there to maintain the “structure” of society. Question those who defend the “systems”.

Think about why the following statements are required be be written down and whether you think they are true for your life?

Article 1 – All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2 – Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.


If you read more on this you’ll start to see how everything works against you. Our current society doesn’t do the best for everyone. It exists to serve those who are born to the power. So, I am now officially one of those weirdo people who I was concerned about when I was younger. The type of person who thinks of society and sees a massive problem with the reinforcement of its structure. Time for a beer I think.

Schematic – Senser

Communication number 1668. Here’s what was happening in England during that year; lots of people were born and lots died, Newton created a reflecting telescope, the British East India Company took control of Bombay by “Royal Charter”, William Penn was imprisoned for writing a pamphlet attacking trinitarian doctrine.

Schematic is a decent album by Senser. It’s worth getting. Am I aware of any of the songs in particular? No. But this is worth owning if you like their particular brand of rock.

Savages – Soulfly

When this is published on this site this will be communication number 1667. Here’s what was going on in England in 1667. The Dutch sailed up the Medway and destroyed part of the English Navy. The Dutch attempt to sail up the Thames but don’t make it. The Dutch then land in Suffolk but are beaten back. In July the Second Anglo-Dutch war is ended by treaty. Paradise Lost is published, I know nothing about this book. Robert Hooke was being a genius.

I’ve had this album on in the background while I wrote the previous communication and I have to say, it’s just a metal/nu-wave album. The song Fuck Reality is quite funny I guess.


This is communication 1666 including the album reviews and I’ve been starting recent rants with a list of things that happened in that year in England. I’m choosing England because that’s where I live and that The Act Of The Union hadn’t happened yet, maybe one day I’ll be writing about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but not at the moment. In 1666 the royals returned to London as the plague subsided, the English won a victory against the Dutch in the war, the English also pillaged and destroyed loads of Dutch stuff at Terschelling. The Great Fire Of London happened. Newton split light using a prism, invents the cat flap and does more mathematics along with Leibniz.

While out running yesterday I became quite angry while thinking about what to keep writing within this site and decided I would try to list it all. I was trying to work out what things the state should provide its citizens. I’ve been trying to work with a general philosophy that the state while benefiting from its citizens should also do its best for those citizens. A bit like the biblical Golden Rule. My version of it is just to be nice. If you can’t be nice then don’t do or say anything. Also applicable is the rule “don’t be a dick”.

A lot of the following are things I think should be done. Some of them I don’t have very good arguments for I just think they are the correct thing to do. Some of these are surely controversial to some of you and I don’t care. It’s what I think.


It seems rather obvious that if you want the best out of your citizens then you have health care that is free at the point of use. You also wouldn’t systematically aim to destroy that. Yes, I know that ultimately there has to be choices about where the money is spent and there needs to be a particular value placed on life, but a healthcare system is one of the main priorities for a state.


If you want your state to be productive and to be good at things then you need education that is free at source. Where this free ends I think is after first degree level. People with degrees will eventually add so much back to the economy that it makes long term sense to offer this education as a right. Not everyone with a degree will use that particular degree but if you invest in the people they will return that in large quantities.

Slightly controversial I guess but I would remove all private schools. They breed class differences, they maintain the class system we live with in this country. If impossible to remove them I would remove their charitable status.


There should be much more public transport that is cheap at point of use. We must reduce reliance on fossil fuels. We need to slowly change society to undo the reliance on personal transport. The state should own and run all railways, buses and other forms of mass transport. There should be no more roads built. Goods should be moved by train, people should be moved by train, there need to be good links for all places to trains. I’m not convinced that the airline industry should be such. Given how fragile it is and the damage it does I think we need to slow this world down. And I fucking love aircraft. I just don’t think it’s a justified industry. I would provide massive investment to clean, green sea faring technologies. Things might take longer to get to places, but it would be better for all.


If you need it to live then I think it should be state owned and run. So, water, electricity, gas [needs to be reduced], and, not controversially, broadband, should all be state run. It is insane that our power generation companies are owned by foreign governments, EDF etc. It’s amusing that EDF is known as EDF in this country but it is mostly French state owned. In the run for quick cash from the 1980s onwards we have allowed other governments and states to profit from the necessities of life in this country. Hilarious. We need massive investment into green power generation technologies so we can then sell them to the world. We need to be a leader in the world in reducing the effects of anthropogenic climate change but I fear we won’t ever be that because of the short termism of our current system.


It seems clear that the state while asking of its people should also provide for those people. We should be looking after those who need support and help. We should be providing for those who can’t afford it. We should be an altruistic society. We should be willing to help those who struggle. I dare mention Universal Basic Income, but I do think that is the way forward. There is this idea that poor people are lazy and if they just got a job then they would be able to get out of poverty. Well, if you’ve ever read a book or listened to non-political experts about this you would know that is utter bollocks. Yes, some might be lazy and want to live on state handouts, but good luck to them I say. If you help people and want to do good for them they will return that. Fucking basic ain’t it?


Given the rest of this I’m probably going to surprise you all. I have come to think that removing the top tax rate in this country would be a good thing. I do not have any numbers to back this up just a feeling. Those who earn little need to pay less tax, we know that is the best thing, it makes sense. However, I’m not sure we should have a tax rate above the current 20% tax rate. I do think that many people who earn in the higher tax band are reluctant to pay that higher tax, it’s probably seen as “unfair”. I think they might have a point. I’d be tempted to remove that tax band but at the same time I would aggressively pursue people who still did their best to “minimise” their tax bill. If you want to be a part of our society then you fucking pay your dues. I do think that a flat 20% rate would go to improve tax payment by nearly everyone. I would also force through a way of paying tax in the country where your money is made. This is harder but the current system that allows companies and individuals to move money off-shore is utter bollocks. Pay your fucking taxes. There shouldn’t be billionaires. How grotesque. It’s seen as acceptable because everyone who dreams of being a billionaire would want to be in that position. It’s the “dream”. Fuck That Shit. If you think having 1,000 million is acceptable but 100 million isn’t then you are fucked.


We need to invest in our people and education. This will ultimately mean we improve our society and improve the “things we make”. We need to be aiming for what we can do for the world in twenty years. Some of this can come from guided research but we improve through having intellectual curiosity. It is impossible to know what area of research will provide what we need in the future. We must have a policy of academic curiosity. We must provide the environment where research can take place.

So, all of this is going to cost a lot. But it needs the investment now to provide the returns in twenty years. We need to start the cycle of investment and providing for our people so that we get the returns later. Once we start this cycle we can continue it with ease. We should be world leaders in all technologies and we should have a society where people want to live and feel safe and be supported. We should be looking after each other. We should be willing to accept smaller individual wealth at the upper end to the better of everyone. All of this seems quite clear to me. If there are other things I think about over the next while I may add them below:

Economy what?

This is communication number 1665 and here’s a little run down of things that happened in England in that year. These snippets seem sensible given these are the years most people know about and the plague was also starting to spread. There was the start of a second war between the English and the Dutch. The monarchy moved out of London to avoid the plague. Peyps was busy writing. Newton was busy doing mathematics. Parliament moved out of London to avoid the plague because rich people have always had the means of saving themselves.

The last month has clearly shown that our economy isn’t fit for purpose. While I am happy to admit that this crisis is that, a crisis, and it is quite a rare event, the current situation is not a good one for the people. Who would have thought that the destruction of the unions and the rise of the gig economy would have had such profound effects on everybody’s well-being? [sarcasm]. For the last three hundred years there has been a constant struggle between those who want to make as much money as possible and those who are the ones who create that wealth through poor working conditions and threat to life. That seems quite extreme but let’s look at this.

The “working class” have always been treated as expendable. They are treated as though they don’t have value. The only value they have is that they can manufacture for the profit of others. This system has stemmed from the feudal system. There used to be Lords of the Land and “owners” who would have peasants who worked for them just for the right to live on that land. A single upper class person who just happened to be born out of the correct vagina had the power and owned everyone else. All the productivity was for this silver-spoon person. That person was in charge of it all and the structure of society continued. Now we have “industrialists” and also people born from the correct vaginas who still own or run everything. Our current Prime Minister went to Eton and Oxford. He’s been “bred” to rule the country. The rest of the country accepts this because “that is the way is has been”. There is a sad acceptance that these people are born to rule over us. We are still a monarchy and this “natural way of things” is forced into our collective consciousness through every system we have, including religion.

“Our Queen” still makes addresses to the “people” every Christmas, firmly linking her status with that of the god of all. Our fairy stories have princes and princesses along with Kings and Queens who rules over us. Our history forces us into this idea that the current Monarch is there for the good of the people. Every story about god and his zombie son means we subjugate ourselves to a thing which is naturally meant to rule over us. There is no meritocracy. There is only those who have and the rest of us. We like to think that they have our best interests at heart but do they? Bollocks.

Sorry, this is meant to be about the economy. I got side-tracked by those for whom the economy is really important – those in charge. If they worked for the people then they would be happy for more state control of the essentials. But they work for business and their friends. Let’s see the things that should not be:

  • Removal of a social safety net – there’s this idea that the working class are inherently lazy or that if they worked harder they could remove themselves from poverty. Read a study assholes. Poverty breeds poverty. Yes, some will scam the system but nowhere near much is lost to them as the many who currently “minimise their tax bill”. As a society we should want to help people. We should want to do the best we can.
  • Gig economy – this is clearly companies removing the need for paying their employees correctly or giving them workers’ rights. Only work for us when needed? Then we don’t have to give you all those pesky things that cut our profit and reduce our payout to shareholders.
  • Zero hour contracts – these aren’t contracts are they? If you only get work when they need you then it’s a bullshit system. Pay people and employ people properly. Give them benefits. You’ll get more out of them and create a better society. But when the bottom line is profit who cares?
  • Privately owned utilities – things that are essential to all should be run and controlled by the state. These things shouldn’t be in public ownership with those few who have money and the ability to buy shares to be the ones who profit. For instance, the railways in this country are subsidised by the government to the tune of billions, and those billions go to the shareholders when those companies make profit, which they only do because of the subsidy. Railways aren’t there to make money. They are there to enable people to get to work or move around effectively.
  • Dividends – I don’t mind people being able to run companies and I don’t mind profit being made but I do mind the short termism that comes from that. I do think there needs to be a social reality towards companies and the rewards, somehow, need to be based on what good they do as a whole, not just their bottom line. Do I know how to do this? No. Let’s take a minor look at that bastion of Britishness James Dyson. He’s so rich and successful that he’s been knighted [fuck the honours system] and he’s also so patriotic that he’s pro-Brexit and seen as a wonderful person. But he’s a shit. He moved all his production to the far east because it was cheaper and you can pay people less. He moved this for short term profit reasons rather than because he loves our country. I do not know his personal tax contributions but I will point out that JK Rowling pays her taxes in full. Those who have suffered and been poor know what help can be given although isn’t.
  • Short Termism – If companies had a longer cycle of profit and working then maybe a couple of months of shutdown would have fucked them over so much. The idea that they should save, pay decent wages, have good pension schemes and not raid those pension schemes seems beyond most companies.

I get that I seem angry at the capitalist society we have at the moment. I am. Think about the squalor, the working conditions, the living conditions that could be changed if companies acted responsibly towards their employees and not like the Lord Of The Manor who gives out all things. Thin what would happen if everyone got a decent wage and there was a decent safety net to help those who struggle. Think what would happen if we could improve the living conditions of everyone in this country. It wouldn’t take much. Then we could start on the rest of the world and show them the way. If you want to know why I’m angry think about this:


Oh, Tesco would love it if I bought an extra packet of pasta and put it in the food bank donation trolley wouldn’t they? Why the fuck are they still making a profit when they could be putting that entire profit, even for a couple of years, into society. They could start to end this. They could say to their investors, “look, we aren’t going to pay out for three years, we are going to put all the profit into local society and see what good we can change, we are going to pay a bit more to our staff and we are going to help these areas”. What an experiment that would be. Tesco would make more money because they are doing a good thing they are being socially responsible, they would be able to pay out more in dividends over a longer period of time, but reduce the initial dividends and lower the annual payout. I don’t mean to pick on Tesco but I when I see the donation box and I think of their profit I get angry. They trick us into donating our money when they could be using theirs to better ends.

Oddly the food supply system in this country seems to work well and I have yet to convince myself it should be taken into state control. We do need the state to legislate more for profits and forcing companies to pay better. We need the state to change things for the better. But they won’t because the “state” is made from those who were “born” to be there. They wouldn’t want you to have that power because in the last forty one years we’ve had right wing governments and unfortunately for us they want to keep the power.

Everyone laughed when Labour said they’d give everyone free broadband? It was cheap and brilliant. I bet all those who stand on their doors at 8pm on a Thursday clapping still vote tory in the next election. The sound of clapping causes me so much rage, like the donation box in Tesco. This country fucks itself over every election. I’m cheery honest, just need to stream this consciousness out somehow. I don’t think I’ll be reading these through either. It’s hard to get my thoughts in order on these matters.

Too Little

This is communication number 1664 and so it seems worthwhile to point out some of the things that happened in the year 1664 C.E. The English took control of New Amsterdam and it was renamed New York. England had been through the Commonwealth and was now back as a Monarchy with Charles II in charge. Such a shame in some ways although the rule of Cromwell was horrific. This country has such a reliance on a feudal system even to this day. It is supposed that some people are “born to lead” and those people just happen to be born to the same families who have already led.

I keep trying to collect my thoughts on this current world of ours as we undergo such restrictions to try and slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Today I will stick with our government’s response I think rather than go on about the lasting political and social change that needs to happen.

From observations in China and countries in Europe it is clear the our current government lacked in it’s response to the virus. It’s like they don’t understand the terms “exponential” and “growth” even though it’s part of GCSE and A Level mathematics and I suspect it’s talked about in science lessons too. This country needs to remember that our government lacked action until way too late.

Firstly, everyone is going to get the current coronavirus. What’s important is reducing the number of people who have it at any one time. This way our [massively underfunded and ripped apart] NHS can do its be to cope with the onslaught. Once the virus started to spread from the far east, it was almost too late. That was the moment to shut down the country. Our bars/pubs and schools should have been shut TWO weeks before the government actually did it. You can’t wait for the deaths to start mounting before you shut everything down, most people will be infected by then. The way to control this thing is to know where it is and who has it. It is therefore vital that everyone is tested. That is another aspect of this disaster. If people with symptoms are tested then we will know whether they have the virus or not and we can isolate those who do. The others could return to their jobs and continue to help.

The spread of this virus will now continue at a massive rate because this government took too long to shut the country down. There are concerns with shutting the country down also, many families are awful places where violence and terror rule. People will die in their houses. There will be a cost to this isolation. This government is one ruled by money rather than believing in any form of social debt to those who make up this country. You can see that in the dedication the donors to the tory party have to the UK in refusing to pay the due taxes. They have trust funds and personal companies, they hide their money away to “reduce their tax bill” which is seen as “honorable” by some because it’s their money and they’ve earned it. Which isn’t true. They owe tax. They should pay tax. Their loyalty to this land is so shit they avoid doing what they should while maintaining a level of control which we, as a country, seem to forgive because of this feudal system that still plays on our minds.

Much like the classic Faderhead song goes “Take Your Fucking Meds”, we should have a chant across this land of “Pay Your Fucking Taxes”. I moved onto taxes as a way of symbolising the lack of respect our leaders and industry giants have for the systems of this country and the lack of caring they have for those of us in the lower echelons of society. They literally don’t care and that was why the response of the “leaders” of this country was entirely lacking in the early stages of this disease. If Johnson and the others ever let the report into this disaster public it will show their lack of action cost lives. Mind you, they haven’t released the report into Russian influence in the recent general elections have they? I wonder what they are hiding?

God, it annoys me sometimes how I come across as a complete paranoid loony left person. I think that’s what you feel when you grew up in the 80s when the left was seen as a joke and Thatcherism was at its height. It’s built into my psyche to be suspicious of those on the left, all those news articles and constant hints at communism in the 80s have messed me up and make me feel guilty for being on the left. But, I do know that I am right about it all.

Done For Now – A Better Image

I forgot that I can output the Magic Mirror to a browser as long as I open that IP within the config file. So I can have on my TV using that built in browser, but it looks terrible. I can also run it on my PC in full screen mode and it looks pretty awesome. I wonder if someone has written a screensaver for it??

Magic Mirror HQ
Magic Mirror HQ

To see what the different modules are visit the previous communication.

Done – For Now

I think this is it for the next while. I have done some final messing around and think I’ve got a format I like. It’s a 47″ display, so quite large and looks lovely. I’ve added a remote plug control for the Magic Mirror Pi so I can turn off an on easier than just unplugging it.

Magic Mirror - Resting Set Up
Magic Mirror – Resting Set Up

So, finally [for now], the modules are:

top_left – current date and time.

top_left – current weather followed by weather forecast.

bottom_left – state of lights in the house.

top_right – what music is playing in the house.

top_right aircraft near to the house listed in order of ascending distance with direction [assumes ADS-B transmitter and sending lat/long details].

top_center – Conway’s Game Of Life cellular automata.

center – picture of view of Earth from the sun-side. Animates over a period of a few minutes.

bottom_center – new headlines from chosen sources.

Overall, I’m pleased. The next thing would be to add a rotating module that switches between different views or maybe even a gesture controller so that you could swipe through different screens to see what you want. Whether I will get to these is another matter.

SAP – Alice In Chains

This is really an EP and came as an extra CD with Jar Of Flies by Alice In Chains. I bought this in the early days of CD players. If you want to listen to this properly then you need to be drunk, lying on the floor and wearing sunglasses in the dark. I can’t think of a better way to experience this.


That pretty much describes this album. It has all the classic vocal styles of Alice along with decent acoustic sounds followed by grunge/Seattle sounds. It is a masterpiece.