Options For Nothing

Some software installation options allow the user to choose a language. A piece of software I installed recently had the following options – see picture. Why is the English USA English and not English English? Why give me what looks like different options for English without giving me different options? Maybe these options are listed like this to stop English English speakers getting upset about the software only using American English? Maybe the Portuguese option is only Brazilian to stop the Portuguese moaning about using a language that isn’t really their own? I do not know the answers but I do find options like this to be stupid.

Annoying Language Options
Annoying Language Options

Foot Platforms

On the way home yesterday after a pretty busy day at work I went to the local supermarket, I needed milk and didn’t want to walk to the little shop in the village. It had rained earlier in the day, not masses, but enough to turn the air cold. I parked the car and walked across the car park. Then, I felt wet inside my right shoe. Gah. This is really annoying. I can’t remember when I bought those shoes, but I know I hadn’t spent a lot on them. The plan was to generally buy more shoes but of worse quality over time.

A while back, maybe around, 2017 I bought a pair of DM shoes because I thought that spending a reasonable amount of money would mean that the shoes would last longer. However, paying over GBP100 for a pair of shoes and for them to hurt when wearing them seemed an affront to common sense. Surely expensive shoes wouldn’t need “breaking in”. I was wrong.

So now the cheap shoes have died. But I do have a good way of breaking in shoes. It involves a hammer and a little time. So, I’m starting to think I should get another decent pair of shoes – probably Dr Martens – with the hope that they will last and be comfy.

Infrastructure Upgrades

So, I have ordered some upgrades for the house that should be arriving in the next month or so. Firstly the sofa needs a change. The current sofa is rather old, has no real structure to it anymore and also there are springs pushing in certain areas of the cushioning. There’s a certain amount of stress involved in ordering a new sofa. Firstly choices about style need to be made and the sofas need to be tested. Then, there’s the size of the thing. It might not come as a surprise to you but I had imagined that sofas would fit in all houses. Now, I knew the width I needed and limited my search to those, but I wouldn’t have guessed there could be a problem fitting the sofa through the front door!

On the website for the sofa people they want it made clear that door sizes should be measured. Then sofa fitting needs to be checked. I can’t tell you that I have created a cutout version of the largest cross-section of the sofa and seen if that can be manoeuvred through the front door. I believe it can. It’s close. But I think it can. Apparently the sofa will be delivered without it’s feet fitted which means there should be a few millimetres gap when it comes through the door. If there isn’t then I can make another few centimetres gap by taking off the front door. This is a last resort but I do think it will fit. I have spent a lot of time checking.

The next piece of organising required is the removal and disposal of the current sofa and chair. They are both going to head to the great upholsterer in the sky. I have to book a bulk collection with the local council. The issue there is the website won’t tell me how far in advance this needs to be booked and I can’t see that information unless I go through the web-system and pay and book. I will probably have a go at that in the next week and see how “bookable” the collection is.

Another piece of stress caused by a new sofa is that it has motors for controlling the reclining sections and these motors need to be plugged in. I don’t have any spare sockets in that area of the lounge. There is a 4-gang extension lead which I can upgrade to have more sockets. This I will do, but extension leads seem expensive to me and I need to look through websites and measure to make sure the new one will fit and be the correct length.

On a separate but connected matter there have been broadband upgrades available in the village. A while back I saw BT engineers doing stuff on the telegraph poles in the village and, because they had blocked my car in, I chatted to them about the work they were doing. They were installing fibre to the poles so that houses could have fibre direct to properties. I was told to wait for an email or letter asking whether I wanted to upgrade.

I have upgraded my broadband service to fibre. It will be installed in April. There will be a person coming to the house to install a junction box and a modem/router. This is stressful because currently my landline modem/router is in a really good position in the middle of the house with good wifi coverage. The video of “what happens on the day” suggests that I am able to choose where I want my new router. This will be useful as I clearly want it in the same place as the current modem/router. The entire house revolves around this positioning of the router. There are three network switches that feed from the router and a few other devices because the heating system needs its own bridge!

I suspect that the person who is going to install my new connections will refuse to put the router that far from the front of the house. I have options that they can use to do the work but it does require extra effort from that person. I am expecting a bit of an argument. If the whole day ends up with the modem/router being placed in the front room then I have a solution but it will require more networking cable and an extra switch. I *think* there is a mostly simple solution.

The modem/router needs TWO plug sockets. This is a mild irritant and also requires upgrades to other extension leads dependent on where the modem/router is going to do. It’s frustrating that some of these purchases are relying on decisions that can’t be made at the moment. Hopefully in about six week all of this should be sorted and the house will be working all normally and nicely.

Hosting and Website

For the last couple of years I have hosted this website on my own device in my house. I reached a point where I was trying to install a security certificate and facing a web of settings that I just didn’t understand. I decided to look for a new host for this site. It’s not easy moving a website and I had to build up to the process. I’ve done it a few times and there are always things that go wrong.

I founda company with which I could host and created an account. Then I backed up my current site. I used a plugin to save the backup data or at least the database and plugin settings. Following this I reinstated the website using that plugin. I will admit that the whole process went smoothly. The only thing that took most time was uploading the images that I don’t save as a backup but regularly download and copy using FTP.

This site is now much faster than when hosted within my actual home. The interface with the hosting company is pretty good and I have no complaints so far. Welcome.

Kindle Served Its Purpose

During the pandemic I bought a Kindle e-reader. I had bought a hardback book and I wanted to read it but my arms were too lazy for me to hold the damn thing. I also thought that if I spent some money on an e-reader I would read more. I really enjoy reading but there are lots of things I enjoy doing so reading tends to drop down the list, which is a shame because reading is really important for knowledge and thinking. So, I bought a Kindle.

I have been impressed with the Kindle and I enjoy reading from it. I’ve bought too many books on there and I probably won’t read them all. Much like real life where I buy books because books are cool but I don’t get around to reading them all. However, real life books at least exist in the real world and have matter to them.

I’m reaching the point nearly five years later where I might start buying paper books again and start reading them. There’s something about holding paper in your hands, leafing through a book, looking at the cover, not needed to be charged, that I like about paper books. So I am going to start buying real books again. Books are great. Even if you read them electronically or listen to audiobooks they are all great. Oh, yes, I do believe audiobooks are an excellent way to read and people who disagree with me are wrong.

Portal Gateway

This communication should come after the next one as I have some writing to do about my new toy. I bought a PlayStation Portal and have been using it to play from somewhere that isn’t my lounge. I was quite worried when I tried to connect to a hotspot from my phone because the Portal refused to connect. What would be the point of having a Portal if I can’t connect wherever I get mobile service?

I spent some time googling and there were many pages saying that “nope, it’s an iPhone thing” and also that the wrong type of NAT is supported or something like that. So, I started looking into a wifi device just for the Portal to use when I am not in wifi range.

Then . . . . . today I stumbled onto a Reddit post that listed the manual wifi settings to connect to an iPhone hotspot. I tested it and I am very happy to announce that it worked, so I am now able to connect and play via my iPhone hotspot. I have decided to write the settings here, mainly as a reminder for me in case the Portal resets itself or something. Also, maybe other people will find these settings if they need them.

SSID – whatever your iPhone is called
Password – WPA2, and the password is whatever your iPhone says in the “allow other devices” section.
IP – [the last number you can change from 02 to 15.
Subnet Mask –
Default Gateway –

Aviation Collection Three

This is, I think, the collection I am proudest of. I have some AviationTags which are actual parts of aircraft skin that have been cut up to look pretty and be luggage tags so you can spot your suitcase on the carousel. I’m not going to use these as tags. They are going to stay in the display cabinet because I think they are pretty and I don’t want them ruined.

The first tag I got was the P180. They used to fly over my house a lot pre-Brexit. There were people who would fly from Biggin Hill to Frankfurt and the gorgeous sound of these planes would draw me out of the house or workplace. They are very good looking planes. The aircraft registration of this one was D-IZZY and I have sat in their sister D-IPPY. The next skin I bought was the Super Guppy, such an iconic aircraft. Then came my fafourite:

The SU35S. This is part of a Russian plane that was shot down over Ukraine as part of the war there. A company in Kiev managed to get some of the skin and create these tags. While it was expensive it was worth every penny as the profits have been used to help fund the land war. It’s pretty cool to own part of a Sukhoi.

Actual Aircraft Skins
Actual Aircraft Skins

The last piece of skin I purchased was the A320. I bought this at Hannover airport as part of the return journey from the M’era Luna festival of 2023. The aircraft that flew me out and returned was an A320 so it seemed appropriate.

Aviation Collection Two

These two gorgeous little things are compressor blades from a Rolls Royce RB199 engine. These engines powered the Panavia Tornado and it’s an iconic aircraft still currently in use with two air forces around the world, but not the RAF. The large blade is the first of the compressors and it is wood mounted. The little blade is slightly further along towards the combustion end of the engine and has a little hole as it’s a keyring. Do NOT put the little blade in your pocket. It is sharp and will ruin any clothes that you have.

RB199 Blades
RB199 Blades

Aviation Collection One

I think the first part of getting this collection was having the chair and seeing someone else hang their aircraft things on their own chair. It seemed a good place for them. So, I have the following on my Secret Lab chair and I think they look rather smart. No, I don’t care what you think.

Aircraft Keyring Tag Thingies
Aircraft Keyring Tag Thingies

Cobbles, Company, and Cocktails

I recently had a lovely weekend with friends of over thirty years in the Belgium city of Leuven. It was a celebration of getting old for one of us and we got together for probably the first time in twelve years. We live in different ends of the country and in different countries now so getting together is just a little bit harder than meeting up at the Star Of India or King Willy IV. It’s odd but when comparing technology from now to then and the ease of keeping in touch I feel it’s amazing we ever did anything. Imagine having to phone call people and organise things “live”.

So, trains, cars and cars on trains meant that we had a weekend in Leuven. It’s a very pretty town and had a lovely atmosphere, probably aided by the fact it’s a university town. On the Saturday we just met up, found our lodgings and drank and ate. On the Sunday we ate, drank, ate and drank and somewhere in the middle of that there was a visit to a little brewery on the edge of town. It definitely was not Stella Artois which has it’s home at Leuven.

Leuven Town Hall
Leuven Town Hall

Leuven has a large pedestrian area, although there were many bicycles on the loose! The roads were nicely wide and there were statues here and there. Effectively within the main ring-road the place is safe, quiet and impressive.

A Leuven Street
A Leuven Street

At night the town is gorgeous. It’s well lit and oozes sophistication – apart from that one little street which has a McDonalds – the rest of it is lovely.

Leuven Cocktails
Leuven Cocktails

This past week I also spend some time in the UK equivalent town of history and cobbles. I went to Canterbury. The streets are thinner but just as full of tourists as Leuven. There were many eateries but not so many bars which is a shame I guess. Canterbury is a university town and also the home of christianity in the UK – not that that fact is a draw on me going there. I’ve been in the cathedral and so am not that fussed about getting inside there again.

Canterbury Streets
Canterbury Streets

You can see from the picture above that Canterbury does pretty well in the “cobbled streets and old buildings look” category. Maybe Leuven is a bit better as they rebuilt the whole town after the first world war and made it look like it did before!