Lego 60 – Model 70911

It’s a mini-Lego season soon and for reasons that shall remain hidden some of the Lego has already been made.

The Penguin Arctic Roller
The Penguin Arctic Roller

Looking rather ’20s here is Penguin’s Arctic Roller. Another view here:

Peguin, The BatMan and the Roller
Peguin, The BatMan and the Roller

Lego 58 Model 42065

There was a mini Lego season recently and this is the first beast from that. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the RC Racer:

42065 Side
42065 Side

This beast uses a lovely little IR transmission system. It’s pretty well designed and have 4 channels just in case you are near other systems.

42065 Head On
42065 Head On

Possibly the only drawback is that the battery pack takes SIX AA batteries, but then that does give a decent about of power. It’s the same battery pack as the Excavator I built about a year ago.

Exposing The Innards
Exposing The Innards

In this picture (above) you can see the right (front) and left (rear) motors along with the battery pack and IR receiver.

42065 3/4 View
42065 3/4 View

The Lego Ninjago Movie

I went to Rochester Cineworld to see the latest Lego movie. I’ve seen a few of them before. I reviewed the Batman one in this communication. The tide was quite low and the mudflats were exposed. I wondered about dredging for a while and whether there is a natural deepwater channel in the centre of the Medway. I rated this film on IMDB and the discussion about the ratings system is in this communication although I may have to change the system.

I just didn’t really think this film was very good. It suffered with quite a bit of “too much in it” which I first noticed with the Transformers movie where the CGI is so fast and too much it’s hard to really see what’s happening on the screen. This problem could also be a side effect of me getting old, hence I loved Blade Runner because of its lingering shots.

The plot of this film was rudimentary and certainly wasn’t anything new. Largely it bored me. While I understand the Lego are on a massive expansion programme with loads of new sets being created and sales increasing I think that sometimes it’s OK for a company to say “You know what? We are doing OK. There’s no need for massive expansion, we can concentrate on doing what we do and do it well”.

Lego 55 Model 60163

Last one this week in the mini-Lego season. A surfing scenario! Just in time for the release of Baywatch, which I shall not be reviewing.


Lego 53 Model 75132

Here we go with a Star Wars Lego kit. Just a mini one really and not worth building. It seems that the Lego people have been designing “scenes” rather than models that can create story. As an example here’s the Death Of Darth Maul Lego scene.