Sack Race

I saw an advert last night while watching Warehouse 13. Rather, I was fast forwarding through the adverts and saw a clip of Mo Farah in a sack race. I have no idea what he was advertising I was just reminded of some cunning shenanigans of primary school sports day.

I was at primary school in the 70s and early 80s. This was in the days when:

  • There were 3 channels on television
  • TV only started at 4 in the afternoon
  • Telephones could only be used to phone people and were attached to the wall
  • My phone number was 3 digits long
  • The height of television cool was The Rockford Files
  • Wrestling wasn’t American
  • A space-hopper was the toy of choice
  • BMX was new
  • The bike of choice was the Chopper
  • You had to be home by dinner time
  • AIDS hadn’t happened
  • The people trying to kill us were from Ireland
  • I actually spent quite a lot of time scared of being killed in a nuclear war and I worried about the end of civilisation

Oops, that went quite heavy! Perhaps I’ll enlighten you another time with tales of growing up in the cold war.

Anyway, this communication is mostly about primary school. I can vaguely remember a few things from primary school. It was always sunny [confirmation bias], we would quite happily wear shorts for school, I had a giggling fit in the 3rd year after either Matthew or I farted.

Primary School sports day: I don’t remember being involved a great deal. I never really enjoyed playing or watching sports as a child and I think I probably did it because we had to. During sports lessons there was a small group of us who would wait behind in the changing rooms while the rest of the class went on to the field and then we would go to the playground and tell the teacher there that we had been sent to play basketball. I have no idea if our teacher was aware of this, if he was then he never said, perhaps it was worth it for us to not be in the football practice.

Finally we get to the point where I refer to the sack race. Every year we would have a sack race as part of the annual “embarrass those who are unfit or fat” day. The idea is that you climb into a potato sack and then jump as fast as you can along a 60 metre track. This is shown on the television advert. This is also a very inefficient way to travel, but I guess being good at it is useful if you are captured and kept in a sack.

The technique to win, which has always stuck with me, is to put your feet in the corners of the sack and then run as normally as you can. The first time I saw this I was amazed. It was a boy in the year above me called Jon Sheekey [spelling probably wrong]. He lived down the Chelmsford Road and also had part of a pencil lead stuck in his hand [the things you remember!]. Jon put his feet into the corners of the sack and then ran, he was a pretty fast runner anyway, and he won the race by about half the length of the track. Sheer genius!

Keep On Running

Along with a recent communication explaining how I am logging my life, I’ve passed a few milestones these recent weeks. I’ve passed three million steps using my posh pedometer and now Map My Run has told me that I’ve just passed 300 workouts. Pretty awesome stuff.


The next goal for me is to get rid of the last two kilograms of mass that I gained last summer and also to increase my distance that I run each work out. Recently I have been trying to increase my average pace to be in the top 25%, according to Map My Run, this appears to be about 8:30 per mile, which corresponds to 7 miles per hour.


I have found a new running route that includes some climbs. Most of my previous routes just took me along mostly flat paths and roads. There were some small inclines but nothing of imposing height. After a trip to the Lake District when I ran up a mountain I have decided to make my run include a hill climb.

I run a circular route from my house, up the North Downs and then down the Downs again. The route I have chosen has the shortest route up the Downs and so, logically, it is the steepest. I have run that way four times now and have reached the top without stopping twice. Basically, it hurts!


This is my route up the North Downs. The contour lines get quite close together and so you can tell how steep it is.

Fire Running

About 30 years ago I can remember playing a game of “fire running”. Every now and then in the good old days parents would burn the garden waste on a big bonfire. These were wonderful times of cooking apples and potatoes (not together) in foil in the embers and generally doing boy stuff with flames.

The best thing we ever did was place a plank of wood on a big fire. The wood was probably 1″ by 4″ by 10′. I am aware that wood burns but that just adds to the fun.

Start about 4 metres away from the fire making sure that the flames are high and it is burning properly. Then RUN. Don’t lose your footing as you run up the plank and over the fire. Jump from the top of the fire and then land with style.

This is what being boys and summer is all about.


Fire Running
Fire Running


I haven’t been running for about 10 days and I really am feeling as though I need to expend some energy! I think I injured my knee during a 5 mile road run that I did on the 28th December.

Create Maps or search from 80 million at MapMyRun


I’m pretty sure that I injured my knee on this route. There was no cross country. Now, my knee only hurts when I kneel on it. I can walk and run fine. I went to see the Doc last night and he said that I should keep running. There are two things that might happen. The injury might improve and so that means I don’t have to worry or the injury will get worse which would mean I can actually find out what it is. I’m hoping to run tonight.

Do I pay for some extra space on one of my clouds? I currently use Microsoft SkyDrive for keeping my computers syncronised. I have just had to change from having Skydrive Mesh installed (which I really rather liked) to having to install Skydrive (which I’ll get used to). I have had to change my working practises slightly to accomodate this change as Microsoft are turning off the Mesh service.

I can pay GBP30 a year for an extra 100GB of storage on my cloud which would essentially mean I can back everything I do at work and home up. I also own a NAS drive currently set up at 1TB. I also back things up onto that. How many back-ups should I have?

I am concerned about an EMP.  Not sure why but it does bother me!

William Shatner (for it is he) recently tweeted and I’m going to quote him here as I really liked it:

Now repeat after me: Jedis and Yoda: Science Fantasy
Starfleet and Tricorders: Science Fiction

The guy is great. Although he tweets a lot and fills up my “friends only” tweet space. I have two accounts. See this communication.

These are my latest considerations.

Excellent Equipment

Recently I have bought some running equipment. See my previous posts about losing weight, getting fit and running. I have been so impressed with these items that I have decided to “big them up” on my website.

Firstly I needed some headphones and so after a little browsing of the Amazon website I settled on the Sennheiser MX 680i earphones. I already had a pair of Sennheiser earphones for work and so I value the brand. The earphones are splash-proof and have the iPhone integrated remote. They are great.

Sennheiser MX 680i

Now that the winter is closing in I need a torch that i can use while running. That means looking at Petzl but Silva also make head torches apparently, I thought they mainly made compasses and navigation equipment but you live and learn. I did some online research and settled on the Silva X Trail Plus. This has a 140 lumens main beam, wide angle LEDs and a rechargeable battery pack. I love it. I can run safely at night and see where I am going and the state of the terrain. Brilliant. The specification is a bit cheeky though. It claims the light is 100g and it is, but the head band, and battery pack are not included in that calculation. The battery is carried on a waistband so it’s not really a problem.

Silva X Trail Plus

Check out my routes on this web page:


I am rather proud of the run I did today. It was 4.85 miles, which isn’t the main thing. The thing I am most impressed with is that I ran around Burham Nature Reserve which is comething I’ve been meaning to do for a while. It was also rather hot today (26C).

[There was an iframe here that was linked to my MapMyRun account. But I have deleted the MapMyRun account. This is no more.]

This is a picture of the monument to the Battle of the Medway. Not to be confused with the Battle of the Midway!


3D Running Route

My iPhone app that records my running outputs to a website and from there you can get a Google Earth 3D view of the run. That’s pretty cool.
