Foot Platforms

On the way home yesterday after a pretty busy day at work I went to the local supermarket, I needed milk and didn’t want to walk to the little shop in the village. It had rained earlier in the day, not masses, but enough to turn the air cold. I parked the car and walked across the car park. Then, I felt wet inside my right shoe. Gah. This is really annoying. I can’t remember when I bought those shoes, but I know I hadn’t spent a lot on them. The plan was to generally buy more shoes but of worse quality over time.

A while back, maybe around, 2017 I bought a pair of DM shoes because I thought that spending a reasonable amount of money would mean that the shoes would last longer. However, paying over GBP100 for a pair of shoes and for them to hurt when wearing them seemed an affront to common sense. Surely expensive shoes wouldn’t need “breaking in”. I was wrong.

So now the cheap shoes have died. But I do have a good way of breaking in shoes. It involves a hammer and a little time. So, I’m starting to think I should get another decent pair of shoes – probably Dr Martens – with the hope that they will last and be comfy.

In This Day And Age

During 2018 my work shoes died. Both soles split across the ball of my foot and while most of the time this was not a problem my feet got wet when it rained. So, I decided to get new shoes over the summer break. I don’t like shopping for shoes. I hate spending money on them. I am not a “shoe” person. But, I did think, it might be worth spending a little more on a decent brand of shoes to get a pair that will be comfortable and last.

Dr Martens it has to be then. I had owned this brand of shoe in the past and they are a solid brand. Good quality and lasting power. A pair of shoes that should serve me well. They were easy to find and bought after trying them on. I did think that they pinched a bit but surely that would wear off?

Last week I wore those shoes for one day and they destroyed my feet. I have open blisters on my heels and across the top of my feet. Bollocks. I didn’t “break” these shoes in over the summer. I struggled to wear them for the next two days. I took them off while performing my main role within the school and explained to kids that my feet hurt.

During spare moments I started to bend and break the leather so that it was softer and more forgiving. I have spent about an hour on each shoe making sure the leather is more flexible. I have used shoe-cream. I have hit them with a hammer.

I can’t yet wear these shoes as my feet need to heal. So, this week I am wearing some black boots that were issued to me by the RAF. And here’s the thing. Those boots don’t need breaking in and are comfortable straight away. NO BREAKING IN.

In May I bought some new walking boots. They are lovely. I wore them straight away. Guess what? They DIDN’T need breaking in and are going to last me another twenty years.

Five years ago I was issued parade shoes by the RAF. They DIDN’T need breaking in.

I’m annoyed that the DM shoes need breaking in. I’m annoyed I didn’t do that over the summer holidays. I’m in pain and annoyed by it. I’m hoping that in about a week’s time, once my feet are healed, that the new shoes will be more forgiving. It’s pathetic! [both my pain and that shoes need to undergo a process before they are comfortable to wear].