April weather in Scotland

I swear on this day we had sun, snow, hail, rain and high winds. Talk about four seasons in one day! It probably does happen down south but it was just right for my second visit to bonny Scotland.

A Bit Cold

This is an epic fail. I know Manchester is shitty but I think this is a bit wrong!


Perhaps it’s getting back for the BBC move to Salford or most likely the number was an accident. Humans are fallible and so any counting or typing procedure can’t be 100% accurate!

Weather Happens

So, the snow that had been forecast for about a week has arrived. There’s about 8cm in the garden but it’s not good for snowballs. Looking forward to taking number one son out later. Probably do some sledging.
First thing on the news was the chaos that the snow brought! Now, we generally have about 2 or 3 days of snow a year. There’s no reason for us to be used to it and no reason for everything to work once it does snow. Other countries are more organised because they have weeks or months with snow on the ground and have to live with it. We don’t, so there!


Definitely Autumn

Took this picture during a dog walk (there’s a surprise). The colour of the leaves was gorgeous but probably not captured without decent filter or image editing software (which I don’t use).

Carpet of Leaves

Hot Air Balloons

Here’s a photo of four hot air balloons gliding over the Kentish sky one evening. Trust me, there are four. See if you can spot them.

Sunset and balloons
Sunset and balloons