Zombie Live – Rob Zombie

I’ve seen Rob Zombie live. At M’era Luna one year. It was a really good show. I couldn’t tell you if this album is a good one but I expect it is. You would only really publish a live album if you thought it was worth it and well produced. Sometimes I think there is too much Zombie on my phone.

The more important fact about this album is that it is the last in the current round of album reviews. I started this just over ten years ago on 28 April 2013 with a communication about AC/DC’s Live At Donington Album. Zombie Live is the last. Ten years and the idea was that writing about albums would give me something to write even when I didn’t have anything going on or thoughts I wanted to get out there. In those ten years I’ve been through a lot. Ten years is a long time really. It’s also roughly the length of time that my music taste has diverted off into electro-industrial, aggrotech and EBM. So, guess what? I’ve bought new albums!

There will be a second round of album reviews, this time covering albums by bands I’ve discovered in the last ten years. Some albums have already been reviewed and so that causes a mild problem as I will have to check this site before writing the next review. I might try and indicate where the review did happen in the before-times. So, the next round of album reviews will cover bands like the following:

  • Aesthetic Perfect
  • Combichrist
  • Hocico
  • :SITD:
  • Wumpscut

I might manage to get this round of reviews done before the ten years is up. It depends on when I get time to edit this thing. I’ve been distracting myself with Fortnite, flight sims and cadet stuff.

You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby – Fatboy Slim

You know what? I like this album. I know it’s not my normal level of stuff but the way it’s mixed and the hooks and beats are impressive. Teenage me would have hated this as it’s just taking other people’s work and making it your own but that feels like cheating. Older me appreciates that if it emotionally affects you then it’s probably a good piece of music. I guess it could make you happy or even sad, both of those outcomes would still make it an impressive piece of music.

Right here, right now
The Rockafeller Skank
In Heaven
Praise you

These are the songs that stand out when looking through the track listing. It doesn’t mean that these are the only ones I like. Just that these are the ones I know and could probably name if I had them playing. I suppose a good video – Praise You – helps a song too!

Youthanasia – Megadeth

Youthanasia is not on my phone. This album list is made from a list on my network drive provided by my Sonos system. There are two areas of music on my NAS drive. One area is my iTunes library which is synchronised with my phone and the other area is music I could possibly listen to when I’m at home but don’t want on my phone. I suppose I should probably update my Sonos listing a little as I’ve not done a hardware update communication for a while. Things have slowly changed since the last comm. The fact that this album does not appear on my phone gives you all the information to understand what I think of it.

Zeit – Rammstein

This is the latest – at time of writing – offering by Rammstein. It’s a very good, well crafted album. The problem is I don’t think I’ve listened to it enough to know all the songs. Here’s the thing with Rammstein. You know what you are getting and you know it will be excellent. There will be heavy riffage and amazing vocals with little bits of genius keyboard. They make great music. So, even without actually knowing all the details of this album I’m going to say it’s brilliant. Because it will be.

You Goddamned Son Of A Bitch (Live) – Revolting Cocks

This band are part of the godfathers of industrial. Beers, Steers and Queers was the first RevCo song that I heard and got me into them. I probably bought this album to see what their other stuff sounded like. It’s great. I saw this band live at Infest Festival and they were pretty good there too.

This album has songs such as; We Shall Cleanse The World, 38, Attack Ships On Fire, Union Carbide, and No Devotion. All of these are great and I highly recommend all the Revolting Cocks back catalogue to you.

Worship Music – Anthrax

This is quite a good album but I couldn’t tell you anything more than that. I bought this after meeting someone at a Testament gig and they mentioned it was a worthwhile purchase. I have played this a few times but, for me, there’s nothing as memorable as the other albums I’ve got by Anthrax.

World Painted Blood – Slayer

There are some Slayer albums that I’ve listened to a lot. This is not one of them. I hate to say it but after a time the output of Slayer merges into one sort of sound and I can’t really tell the songs apart. It’s not just Slayer – it’s all bands. I think they produce some excellent early work when they are refining working together and then it’s pretty much down hill after that. I don’t want to listen to the fourteenth Iron Maiden album which sounds just like the 13th. I want power and interest. Having said that AC/DC pretty much never changed their style and I like nearly all their albums. I have no idea why that is.

Wolfmother – Wolfmother

I nearly bought this album when I was in Melbourne, Australia. I think I was in a Blockbuster there and having a movie day because nearly three weeks on holiday was quite hard work. I’m not sure why I didn’t buy the CD but I ordered it when I got home. It’s a great album. A mix of Sabbath and Zeppelin. I really like it. They deserved to do well with this one.

With Teeth – Nine Inch Nails

I got this album because there are some excellent albums by Nine Inch Nails and this was really the first that I bought fresh from release. It’s a good album with some excellent songs. Well worth buying. They played some from this when I saw them in Cornwall earlier this year.

Wicked Sensation – Lynch Mob

I got this album way back when George Lynch, the guitarist with Dokken, created his own project and called it Lynch Mob. I’ve listened to this recently and the first “side” of the album is pretty darn good, there are no bad songs. However, side two gets a little “meh”. Overall this is a pretty good album. Here’s a list of the names of the good songs:

  • Wicked Sensation
  • River of Love
  • Sweet Sister Mercy
  • Hell Child
  • She’s Evil But She’s Mine
  • Street Fighting Man

The album is very much an excellent example of cock-rock from the 80s. I like it.

Who Made Who – AC/DC

This album is a bit of a cheat album. It’s a compilation of the best songs with just one new song added: Who Made Who. This album provides the soundtrack to the film Maximum Overdrive which I have not seen. Look, it’s an AC/DC album. It’s got great songs on it. It’s worth it. But buy the other albums too.

Whitesnake – Whitesnake

This is a monster album. Known also as Whitesnake ’87 this album smashed it. It’s excellent. I can even tolerate the ballads. For a long time I did not know Whitesnake was a British band, they were formed in London. It turns out this album was produced with many arguments and much strife. This created a masterpiece.

White Blood Cells – White Stripes

This album was actually bought for me. I remember travelling to Wales and there was a clip of this band on BBC Radio 4. Yes, that Radio 4! I was quite surprised and the music seemed decent. So, my passenger bought this for me. I like what the band did, I like the music, but when they come on in a shuffle I tend to skip it. It’s never really something I need at the time.

Wheels Of Steel – Saxon

I do like a bit of Saxon. I am rather partial to their sound. Can I tell you what’s on this album? No. I’ve got a “best of” and that’ll do for me. Not sure when I got this particular album.

Weapons – Lostprophets

Fuck. I don’t know what to say. I haven’t listened to this band since it became known the singer was a paedophile. I just can’t physically listen to it.

I remember that musically this was great. I saw the band once and it was amazing. In a very small way I feel I enabled that man. I know I didn’t. The best thing is that as soon as people knew he was a cunt they just stopped playing this stuff. The political right would have called this “cancel culture”, but really it’s just “we don’t support your views so fuck off”. I feel sorry for the rest of the band. But fuck the singer.

We Want Moore! (Live) – Gary Moore

I’ve had this album since I was a teenager. Listening now I’m surprised that I’ve never heard the first song before but I think my taped version never had that on it. I have always been surprised that Gary Moore wasn’t a bigger star. Everything thing has written is fantastic. He had a great voice, played well, good song writer. I wonder if it’s a thing that his music resonated with me more than with other people and I’m placing my values on the world? Just because I like something doesn’t mean everyone should, and I’m aware that’s clearly a thing, but the metal crowd should love this stuff. It’s amazing.

Every song on this album is great. I think everyone should own this album.

I have to add to this communication. I’ve been playing this album while doing home admin and generally “surfing the internet” [which I don’t think people say anymore]. This album is beautiful. Empty Rooms, Back On The Streets, Shapes Of Things, Victims Of The Future, Cold Hearted. All these songs hit me right where it matters. It’s an album I can listen to when I’m really happy. It makes me happier. If I was sad it would make me sadder. It hits the emotions. Today it makes me absolutely really fucking happy, it’s a Legend of an album.

What hits!? – Red Hot Chili Peppers

This album was one of my first CDs! I recall getting a CD player in somewhere around 1993. Before then I had used vinyl records and cassette tapes. I think I knew about the song “Under The Bridge” and that was on this album so I bought it. There were a few CDs I had bought before I even owned a CD player because I knew I would get one. I really enjoy this album. It is a good collection of the best songs this band produced in the days before they got mainstream and super massive. I’ve always considered the band to be a great rock show. I’m also really impressed with the bass playing because bass was meant to be my thing but I didn’t practice enough to become great at it. I consider myself “good enough to play a song”. I am not musical.

I’ve just looked at the track listing and I could have sworn that Give It Away was on this album but it isn’t and now I need to go and re-evaluate all my memories!

We Are Not Your Kind – Slipknot

I’ve been listening to this while doing some other things on the computer and this is a very good album. I enjoy it a lot and there are some great songs. But the problem, as always, with this new music is that is has to get into my brain on top of all the old music and I think the old dog struggles sometimes to learn new tricks. I can remember playing this album in the car quite a bit and I liked it.

Slipknot are great.