1989 – A Good Vintage

There are a number of reasons why 1989 was a good year for me but the one to talk about is my trouncing of my ATC squadron for awards. As listed in this communication I won four of the awards that year.

  • Shooting
  • Bandsman
  • Cadet Of The Year
  • NCO i/c Flight Of The Year

I am very proud of these. I still have the personal trophy for Cadet of the Year.

I recently attended a meal in celebration of thirty five years of 309 squadron and it was a good bash. It was lovely to see lots of faces from the old days. The trophies were on display and although my names are no longer on the prizes given out now – there’s not enough space for the new names and so new trophies were bought – I could see the old trophies around the room along with plenty of clippings in the scrap books.

There was also a presentation on the large screen with plenty of photographs from the old days. A fair few had me in them, mind you I was involved for over ten years.

A Classic Year
A Classic Year

The above photograph has John Trant, Lisa Slater, me, Flt Lt Andrew Passfield OC 309, Jamie Hubbard, Dean Willetts and Simon McGarry. We are the ones who won prizes in 1989.


That’s me playing the fife as the band marched down the town high street.


I’ve been thinking about time. Well, let’s face it I think about lots of things all the time but time is problematic. I was mostly thinking about this at the turn of the year, when 2018 magically turned into 2019 or the start of the nth journey around the sun when starting from an arbitrary point. I mean starting the new year on the day after the shortest day for the northern hemisphere would be more sensible but I guess we could have a war with the southern hemisphere about that.

Midnight is the first moment of the next day. When the clock hits 00:00 that is the start of the next day. The previous day ends at a moment which is the limit of all time before 00:00. Twelve AM is the beginning of that day. Such is the definition.

Now, here’s the problem and it involves language and colloquialisms as is often the case with problems about definitions. Within mathematics there are plenty of words which have specific definitions in the subject and different meanings in casual language, I mean that was designed that way originally to exclude the masses from education.

So, if I said to you I will meet you “at midnight on Thursday” then it is likely that we would be talking about meeting at the boundary between Thursday and Friday. But, if I said I’d meet you at 12am on Thursday that would probably mean we were still meeting at the boundary between Thursday and Friday but in reality that time is the boundary between Wednesday and Thursday.

Thinking about this now I think it would be only me having problems with a meeting time of “midnight on Thursday” and in a group discussion I would be the one asking for clarification whereas everyone else would be perfectly happy with the understanding of the meeting time. Oh how I hate language sometimes.

Laughing – Re-Animator

I’m pretty sure I got this album sometime in my third year of university. Although I can’t remember the specifics I do suspect it was in the “metal” section at a music shop. Obviously this was in the days before streaming and even previewing an album. What you bought was what you got.

I’m not sure this is a serious album. I mean musically it’s pretty good and the songs are good but there are plenty of songs with humour in them and start with clips of audio from film etc. If you like heavy slow paced thrash metal then this is a good album for you, assuming that you don’t mind the odd piece of fun.

The following songs are stuck in my head, even after twenty (or more) years.

  • Rude Awakening
  • Kipper ‘n’
  • Research – has French spoken at the beginning
  • Another Fine Mess
  • Monkey See, Monkey Dance
  • Don’t Patronise Me

I guess you could stream this album now, for nothing, listen to it and then dismiss it. Over the last few months I’ve come back to the idea of paying for music properly! Sad old me and my liberal sensitivities.


Here’s a boring list of the things I am watching at the moment on the television screen. By at the moment I don’t mean right now or all at once, I mean separately and over a period of time.

  • Tour Of Duty – current DVD box set. Episodes tweeted when watched.
  • Brooklyn 99 – it’s OK.
  • Black Mirror – when new episodes are released.
  • NFL – all the time until mi-Feb and then I feel lost for eight months.
  • Cats Does Countdown – just the perfect mix of maths and humour.
  • Terrible science fiction films – I think I’ve watched all the good ones but I do like a space film.
  • Star Trek Voyager – I’ve seen plenty of Star Trek but not much of this one. Working my way through before doing TNG or something similar.
  • Preacher – lovely comic book small screen translation.
  • Killjoys – when it comes back.
  • The Expanse – when that comes back also.

Also, here’s a photograph of a building I’ve been to recently:

REM Gillingham
REM Gillingham

Now, there’s an idea for a series of communications – a picture of the front of each building I enter. Could be fun! But I think I’ll wait until the album review series is complete.


I wandered the White Horse Wood Country Park and didn’t really know what to expect. I was hoping for some decent views from the North Downs over the Greensand Ridge and High Weald. That is what I got. But, I also found a curious structure:

Ash to Ash
Ash to Ash

This apparently is a sculpture of two ash trees with arrows stuck in them to signify the die-back of the ash tree in this country. A very curious site and at first when I saw them from a distance I expected them to be disguised mobile phone masts.

Also close by is the ruins of Thurnham Castle, a home to rich people using and abusing the poor.

Thurnham Castle Remains
Thurnham Castle Remains

It was not a sunny day, but at least it was bright.


First communication for the new year of 2019 is a couple of pictures from Gran Turismo photographic mode. The first is my Chevvy over-steering around the penultimate bend on the Sainte-Croix Circuit. You can see a list of circuits here.


This second picture is of my two favourite cars on GT Sport. Both have a really good balanced feel and I’ve raced over 500 miles in the Porsche.

Porsche and Mazda
Porsche and Mazda