Yesterday I went to Imperial College to see two talk / roadshow things. The first was the Ig Nobel roadshow which lasted about two hours and had talks from the chap who runs the Ig Nobel awards and also from four scientists who had won the prize. The Ig Nobels are awarded for science that:
makes you laugh, then makes you think
It was a lovely couple of hours hearing about the endeavours of scientists from around the world trying to make the world a better place.

I laughed and smirked and reveled in the atmosphere of nerdery and geekiness. You can watch it below:
After an intermission of a couple of hours there was the London round of BAHFest. The Bad Ad-hoc Hypothesis Festival. I went last year and enjoyed it immensely. I really liked it again this time around. The ideas were delightful and thoroughly entertaining. Watch it now:
Hopefully my calendar will allow me to go next year. Such a delightful event.