Earlier today I had a lovely walk around the creeks of Faversham. The walk started in the centre of Faversham near the Guildhall building and then followed the Saxon Shore way around Ham Marshes. It’s a lovely part of the countryside and nice and quiet, just the wind whistling through the masts of the boats.

The tide was quite low and there was little water in the creeks. The first part of the walk was along Faversham Creek and then the return was along Oare Creek. There were a lot of newer houses along the shore way and I’m concerned that in fifty years or so they’ll be under water. I’m not convinced at all that humans are going to solve the climate change crisis. I think we are already within the realms of a positive feedback loop.
When I first published this communication I completely forgot about the new “this year in communication number” feature I had been doing and so this is to correct that:
In the year 1903 ACE the following happened:
- A fire on the Paris metro at Couronnes kills 84.
- The Iroquois Theatre fire kills 600.
- Henry Ford founds the Ford motor Company. Henry Ford is a raging anti-Semite.