It’s A Hard Knock Brick Life

Fortnite – the game [although I’m not sure what else you might think it is] – has now become a platform for loads of games. They have teamed up with Lego and now have a few official Lego based games in the Fortnite family. One of these is Brick Life and the other I enjoy is called Odyssey.

Lego Brick Life is game where you run around a little seaside town doing jobs, making money, and build your dream house and decorate it. IT’s an escape from real life where everything looks lovely. It reminds me of Playstation Home from about ten years ago. Brick World is a good place to spend some time enjoying yourself.

Fortnite Lego Brick Life - Chess Board
Fortnite Lego Brick Life – Chess Board

Just look at the view in this picture, the sea, the stars, the sand, the city.

Fortnite Lego Brick Life - Beach Views
Fortnite Lego Brick Life – Beach Views

Now, the following picture is not from Brick Life but I think it captures the thought and playfulness that has gone into creating the Lego games. Isn’t it pretty:

Fortnite Lego Odyssey - Aurora
Fortnite Lego Odyssey – Aurora