Here’s a strange thing: this website has been hacked twice. Once in 2016 and once in 2020. Someone managed to insert some code into the php that meant whenever I looked at the site it looked and behaved normal but to everyone else it took you off to a bad place. I’m not sure why they would target me, there are only about three people who regularly read these pages, I don’t have a massive audience. I would imagine that I wasn’t deliberately targeted but these people just keep trying with any website they find using automated processes. Every now and then they get this site and attempt to login or use a WordPress vulnerability.

In the last week there have been 33 attempts to login to the admin area of this website. I honestly don’t know why. I don’t have any financial details of anyone in this site. It’s quite strange, why would they target little ol’ me?

These are the places that the attacks have come from recently. Turkey is a new one on me, mostly it seems to be Russia and China whenever I look. No real surprise there as both countries are engaged in massive online media attacks and pushing fake news to empower themselves. Both those countries see the long term. Just look at Brexit and Trump.
Fortunately this website has survived on the recent server and I have become quite good at knowing what to look for. I’m also better at backing up this website. I have, in the past, considered leaving this place and consigning Fooyah to the death-eather but I think I actually enjoy this place and it gives me a focus and a particular way to think about things. Thanks all for reading.