One Of My Favourites

Ever since I raced this car in Gran Turismo I have always started the game with the Honda Integra Type R as my first car. I love it. Here’s my latest one from GT6 [just after a car wash]


I seem to remember one game in the series where I had to get a Civic Type R initially but soon bought my Integra.



It’s such a shame that my iPhone camera doesn’t do very well in the low light. The moon has been gorgeous these last few mornings. A full moon and setting. Brilliant.

I’m amused by effects of our eyes on our perception of reality. To me, when I looked at the moon it seemed much larger than in the photo. My eyes and brain do a really good job of ignoring all the stuff I’m not interested in. To me, this view was mostly the moon and tree. My brain just chose to ignore all the houses and car. It will really freak you out once you start understanding perception of reality. We observe so little of what we see.


Here’s the thing. Where I work has some rooms with lovely views. Here’s the view from my normal classroom:


As you can see, the view from my classroom is dominated by mud. Mud and the sports hall. In terms of view, this room rather sucks. However, the selling points of the room are plentiful.

  • Cool in the summer
  • Cool in the winter
  • Nobody passes the room, there’s nowhere to go
  • Occasional wildlife, cats, squirrels, pigeons, dog
  • Quiet, there’s no where to go after my room and so I don’t get people walking by
  • Far away from anything else


This room is in the same building and actually has a positive altitude in opposition to my room. The view over Maidstone is lovely and should be worth the effort of changing rooms. However, there are downsides to this room:

  • Hot in the summer (faces east)
  • Hot in the winter (faces east and at top of building)
  • Too bright
  • People can walk past the room to go to other rooms
  • Sometimes the view is just more interesting than the classroom.

The compromise is that although I would love a good view from my work room I value the other good things about my room more.


It would appear that if you have no idea what to get someone for Newtonmass then you MUST get a book with 1001 things you must do before you die.


So, 1001 albums would take approximately 85 days worth of listening (daytime only) which is doable. But I’d probably hate most of the music.

There is no way I am going to read 1001 books recommended by someone else. I hardly have enough time to read all the books I want let alone read a load I don’t care for.

Films, yeah whatever.

Comics, maybe, I’ll tell Jase.

1001 Golf Holes – really? There are that many worth playing. Gosh, the world is a little more boring than I originally thought.

Wines and beers, whatever.

Video games, maybe but 1001 of them? Nope.

Guitars, seriously? There have been 1001 guitars that are considered important enough to put into a list Oh, give me strength.

1001 days that shaped the world. I can see that making sense, but I do wonder from whose perspective it is drawn.

Paintings, if they move you then good. If not then they aren’t for you. Relax and don’t care.

Cars and buildings are much like paintings and art, it’s made to move you and ultimately I ain’t going to spend time reading this book.

Look, if you have no idea what to get someone then get them a book telling them there’s too much to do in this pathetic little life that we have on this dying planet.