Location, Location and a Camera

I spent the day at RAF Wyton in Cambridgeshire and while there an RAF Tornado flew past at high speed. I was fortunate enough to take a few photographs, of which the following is the best. I haven’t cropped it or anything. [the other 5 photos were ok-ish].

RAF Tornado

My favourite thing about this shot is that you can see the Navigator/Weapons Officer looking at the ground as they fly by.


I had a lovely run today. Up over the North Downs and then back again. I actually stopped today to take two photos of stuff I regularly see.
This is the route I took.

Run 4 Oct 2014

Here’s the fist photo I took of the Upper White Horse Stone on the way up the North Downs [the link takes you to Wikipedia].

White Horse Stone

And here’s a photo of a distance marker I passed at the top of the Downs.
