Die Hard 30th Anniversary

Last night I went to the cinema in Rochester [not in Rochester] to see the latest action film release – Die Hard 30th Anniversary edition. This was an utter delight but there are conventions I need to follow here and although I broke them for the review of Skyscraper I shall not be doing that now.

It was dark driving along the promenade road but I could see the state of the tide reflecting lights from the houses and boats on the other side of the valley. The water was not covering the mud flats at the edges of the river and so that tide was definitely not in.

I also rated this film on IMDB and there’s a communication that deals with the rating system, you should probably read it and the follow up.

What is there to say about this film? It’s iconic and brilliant. It has so many moments that are captured in the collective psyche that there were many times the entire audience [the cinema was full] giggled or laughed or just huffed a sound of appreciation at the film. It’s worth watching and seeing over and over.

Yippee ki-yay

Paying For It

I often think that musical artists get the raw deal with regards to money and effort. So, a while a go I decided I would PAY for individual albums rather than just stream stuff. I do understand that actually owning music is a decreasing trend, even when it’s electronic files but I am sure that the artists will get more money from me paying for an album rather than the streaming rates they get from Spotify or whatever your chosen music service is.

This month I paid for the album Black Piranha by Klutæ. It’s a project of Claus Larsen who is also Læther Strip.

You can listen to other songs from this artist here, Black Piranha isn’t on Spotify:

You might even want to pay for it properly.


A couple of nights ago I was watching television in the evening when I could hear the sound of a large or low helicopter. I didn’t move but consulted 360 Radar and observed that it was a Royal Navy Merlin helicopter flying over. It struck me as a little odd but not enough to make me move. I see Apaches and Chinooks a couple of times a year and given there are DIO training areas in east Kent there’s reason for the activity.

Turns out I was rather wrong.

Mirror Headline
Mirror Headline

The next day there was quite a bit of news about the Special Boat Service or maybe the Royal Marines on social media although most of the mainstream press kept away from it. I probably should have followed the Merlin on 360 Radar a little longer, but my television show was deemed more worthy.