Here’s a boring list of the things I am watching at the moment on the television screen. By at the moment I don’t mean right now or all at once, I mean separately and over a period of time.
- Tour Of Duty – current DVD box set. Episodes tweeted when watched.
- Brooklyn 99 – it’s OK.
- Black Mirror – when new episodes are released.
- NFL – all the time until mi-Feb and then I feel lost for eight months.
- Cats Does Countdown – just the perfect mix of maths and humour.
- Terrible science fiction films – I think I’ve watched all the good ones but I do like a space film.
- Star Trek Voyager – I’ve seen plenty of Star Trek but not much of this one. Working my way through before doing TNG or something similar.
- Preacher – lovely comic book small screen translation.
- Killjoys – when it comes back.
- The Expanse – when that comes back also.
Also, here’s a photograph of a building I’ve been to recently:

Now, there’s an idea for a series of communications – a picture of the front of each building I enter. Could be fun! But I think I’ll wait until the album review series is complete.