Holy Crap – It Looks Like A Classic

Well, the other day M’era Luna released their complete line up for 2024. I have to say – I’m fucking excited.

M'era Luna 2024
M’era Luna 2024

So, here’s the highlights as far as I’m concerned:

  • Combifuckingchrist OLD SCHOOL SET – currently the time I saw them do this type of gig was the best gig I’d been to. I’m stoked.
  • VNV Nation – excellent band who just never hit the big time in the UK.
  • Front 242 – should be good but might be boring.
  • Lord Of The Lost – always great, looking forward to it.
  • Die Krupps – have seen this band a few times and it’s great.
  • SUICIDE COMMANDO – always great even if the visuals are distrubing.
  • [:SITD:] – another consistently great band.
  • OOMPH! – can’t remember if I’ve seen these before but they now have the singer from Unzucht so might be good.
  • Funker Vogt – one of those bands on the list of bands I want to see.
  • S.P.O.C.K. – saw these at my first M’era Luna I think and I can’t wait to see them again. Very pop but space TV show themed.
  • Centhron – if only to hear him sing that classic song “Cunt”.

It’s going to be great. I just hope there aren’t too many clashes as that will disappoint me.