Vegetable Patch 2014

Planted the vegetables for this year. It’s a disgrace really as I don’t eat them and neither do the kids but I think it’s important for them to see stuff grow.
This year we have:

The potatoes are in round pots to try and keep them contained:


We have the rest planted in the ground. The silver plant container has chestnut trees we planted last autumn.


Not Green Fingers

Just spent a wonderfully pleasant hour with #1 son sowing seeds in the garden. We tidied the vegetable patch and got rid of the weeds and then planted this year’s selection of veg. It’s going to be carrots, parsnips and chillies. I don’t think the chillies are going to survive the cold so I’ll get some more and grow them inside.


We also read the instructions for the tomatoes and are actually going to grow them inside. They are on the kitchen window sill.


No pak choi ahoy

So my vegetable plot grew well but my pak choi are gone! Not eaten by humans though.
See the carcass of my work:


All done by these:


Mind you it’s been a good talking point with my son. Haven’t trapped any in a jam jar, will do that next year when he’s older.