Hosting and Website

For the last couple of years I have hosted this website on my own device in my house. I reached a point where I was trying to install a security certificate and facing a web of settings that I just didn’t understand. I decided to look for a new host for this site. It’s not easy moving a website and I had to build up to the process. I’ve done it a few times and there are always things that go wrong.

I founda company with which I could host and created an account. Then I backed up my current site. I used a plugin to save the backup data or at least the database and plugin settings. Following this I reinstated the website using that plugin. I will admit that the whole process went smoothly. The only thing that took most time was uploading the images that I don’t save as a backup but regularly download and copy using FTP.

This site is now much faster than when hosted within my actual home. The interface with the hosting company is pretty good and I have no complaints so far. Welcome.