Powerage – AC/DC

“You say that you want respect. Honey, for what?”

That sums up a lot of how I feel at the moment. Anyway, these communications are meant to be about the albums and what I think of them. I don’t think you can go wrong with ANY Bon Scott album. The way he sings, the lyrics he writes. You can feel the pain and love behind every song. I’ve been a pretty big fan of AC/DC since I was around sixteen years old. There’s something about that crunchy guitar sound and the delightfulness of Bon’s voice and cheek.

There were two of us at school who were really into AC/DC. We’d buy an album and then discuss it for ages. It was a common bond between us and none of the others. I shed a tear at the end of the Let There Be Rock video where the words “To Bon” come up on the screen at the end of the Paris show.

This is an excellent summer album. It has that lovely jauntiness where you can have this playing in the garden while drinking a large rosé. I can imagine the air around me warming my body as the sun dips below the horizon and Bon sings out about that Sin City and I slowly get drunk to remove myself from thoughts about anything specific. It’d be lovely. If I like sitting outside in the garden, which I don’t. Not sure why, I just don’t like it.

  • Rock and Roll Damnation
  • Down Payment Blues
  • Gimme A Bullet
  • Riff Raff
  • Sin City
  • What’s Next To The Moon
  • Gone Shootin’
  • Up To My Neck In You
  • Kicked In The Teeth

I love that plodding bass of AC/DC. The way the bassist and drummer work to ensure the song gets where it needs to. Malcolm riffing away in the background making all the songs work well to compliment Angus being over the top.

Then there’s Bon. Such a cheeky, tortured chap. He was amazing. I wish I’d had the chance to see him sing live, to see AC/DC in those early days. But, I couldn’t do much about when I was born.