I took a trip last night to see Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle last night. I had flip-flopped about going for a good hour or so earlier in the day but decided to get out and stop playing Gran Turismo. I pay money to get to the cinema and so I should go, even if there aren’t really any films I’m that bothered about, December was a bleak month for films on my list.
I don’t recall what the tide was like but I have sought out that information online and let me tell you, the sine curve is lovely.

I know this doesn’t show the actual day I went to the cinema but just work backwards. I think it only changes by about an hour per day.

So, on to the film. As is custom within these pages I rated the film on IMDB. See this communication for an explanation of the rating system.
I rated Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) 8/10 #IMDb https://t.co/5kwI3lDnRC
— Ian Parish (@iparish) December 29, 2017
So, I really enjoyed this film. It was enjoyable, funny and well written. It was a little one-dimensional and obvious, but really it’s a kids film so I can let that pass. I do like the fact that the kids in the original film had the surname “Parrish”. They even get a shout-out in this film.
There were a few times when I thought the action was a little over-the-top, but then I realised this is based on a computer game and those things are what you would do in a game. I mean, flying a helicopter forwards at 90 degrees of roll!
I’m happy to say that I really enjoyed this film.